I would like those of you former JWs turned Christian to post here. Specific denominations can be mentioned. I'd just like to get an idea of how many of you there are.
Jehovah's Witnesses turned Christian....Post Here
by R.F. 103 Replies latest jw experiences
Vernon Williams
Count me on the list:
Baptized July 23 of '03.
Anglican by default: love the evangilsm and literagy. Eastern Orthodox: best explanation of what is involved in this deal we call "salvation." Complete rejection of anything comming out of the reformation. I have issues with Rome.....
Yours in this Journey,
Accepted Christ March 2000
Baptised January 2001, after 30 years as JW.
Attend a Elim Pentecostal church
Add another one also on your list
I was baptized in 1984(what a date!!!)just before the new baptizism oath changes into gods spirit directed organization!!!
Became innactive in 2000, and disfellowshiped for apostasy in January 2007, after my wife turned me into the elders for having some articles against the WT in a Greek Orthodox ex-jw's web side!!!
After a search to the some Protestant groups, eastern religions(karmas etc,etc) I never thought that I would look to the Orthodox Church that was in front of my eyes!!!
Then I started to examine the Orthodox Faith. I was really suprised to find that they had a really wealthy writtings from the first century!!! As I examine the Orthodox faith I ended up an Orthodox. I even got the baptisim of and the gift of the Holy Spirit through this.
The reasons I choose the Orthodox faith are the following:
1.The Bible(New Testament, and some from the Old) was written in Greek. And Greek language is the most reach and beautiful in the world. So the people that put the Biblical Canon the way it is today, and every other Christian domination in the world posses, it came from the Orthodox Synodos. So you are holding a Bible that was SET by the Orthodox Church!!!
2. The reason that the Catholic Church broke up from the Orthodox had to do with political games. As a result the Catholic Church change a lot of things in the Christian Faith, and they became a kind of God. That is why we have the dark ages of History, Inquisition, the Filioque, Pope is unmistakeable, Hell, and so many other things. And this changes was due also, to the fact that they didn't understand Greek language, and the wrong translations of the Bible.
3. The Orthodox Church it is the ONLY Christian faith that can proove their succesion line of the Apostles until today!!! This line starts from Bishop James the first one in Jerusalim,and this is clearly shown in Acts i5 chapter(when we have the first Synodos of the Christian Church) when he was the presiding Bishop(episkopos)in Greek.
4. So having this line of succesion eventually comes the following: The Holy Spirit was passing to others through the touch of the head of the new bishiop(episkopos)by the Apostles and prophets of the early Church. And it was done by 2 persons. So the Holy Spirit it has been in the Orhodox Church for 2000 years.
Also with this Succesion they have the right to GIVE to the congregation the Body and Blood of Christ. So if you don't have the Apostolic Succesion then the rest of the Christian Dominations they have NO right to give communion of the Blood and Body of Christ. It is not a communion since the Holy Spirit is not there. They are only giving bread and wine, instead of the Orthodox Church that in the Communion the Wine and the Bread are becoming the Blood and Body of Jesus.IT IS A MYSTERY that ONLY in this Church is taking place.
I thought JWs were christian?
I "turned Christian" 28th June 2001. I left the JWs the following January, having been an Elder for several years.
My spiritual path has been unabashedly unorthodox, though I do include in it the enjoyment of regular communal worship with a local Presbyterian Calvinist denomination as part of my religious devotional life.
I don't get it? How can you say JWs aren't christian? Is it because they don't have the same doctrine? And who is to jugde anyway?
Mrs Smith
Count me in too. I fellowship with the local Methodist church.
It depends how you define the term "Christian". About the only folks who define JWs as Christians are JWs. Methinks that maybe there should generally be a group consensus on what the group is called and how its defined, no?Likewise, I could set up a wierd and wacky cult, but I'm guessing that the Scientologists wouldn't accept my claim to their title; or if I set up a food chain selling genuine pigswill, I doubt very much whether high class restaurants would gladly include my business into their fold.
Most Christians would agree that a Christian is one who "follows Christ, in a personal sense". While the JWs would lay a claim to the first part of that statement, I think you would agree that having an active "personal" relationship with him is not encouraged.
So would that rule out catholic as christians too?