Their understanding of death is almost a denial that it exists. "They are only sleeping, soon to awake" So why should anyone get too upset, let alone tell "non believers" of such tragic events. Just make sure you dont let it stop you grieving for someone you'll miss. All the best.
JoinedPosts by bother_forever
I now know what it feels like.
by Es inhey all i used to read posts where people have found out they have lost loved ones and were never told about it nor the funeral.
last week my mum called me up and said "by the way sister such and such passed away last week the memorial was yesterday"!!!!
i used to be close to this sister and for those from australia might even had known her or heard of her sister isabelle sewell married to ted sewell, they have been living in bethel for over 10 years now.
Is College now wrong for Jehovah's Witnesses again?
by booker-t ini have been out of the jw's for many years now but i still have devout jw's family members.
and i am attending college now at 40 yrs old working on my ba degree.
i was so happy a few years ago when my jw mom told me that the wt is slacking off on telling jw's teenagers that college is bad and it is ok to attend college and universities.
I am surprised reading and writing are not also discouraged,can t have the masses to educated. I to was a child of the great "further education is satanic" thought of the 80-90s, and yes it is a little sad, but i do run cleaning company to, shame I m not using it to advance kingdom intrests isnt it! Thanks WTBTS. Just F**K up another generation while you can hey?
A big problem for JW's in the UK?
by Jim Dee infrom the sky news web site - 23.06.05giving the cold shoulderdoorstep salesmen who cold-call are to be targeted with the launch of a new scheme banning them from certain areas.
residents who feel harassed by their tactics will work with police to create no-entry zones for them under a plan by the trading standards institute.. .
the no-go zones could cover anything from a street to an entire estate and will also help combat so-called "distraction burglaries", which have been linked to cold-calling.. persistent doorstep sellers would then be reported to the authorities for follow-up action.. ron gainsford, chief executive of the institute, said: "people are sick and tired of uninvited doorstep callers.
If in any way this may be bought to apply to their "preaching" work, it would only convince them that the end is now closer than ever. They will fire up with "zeal" and be ready for the barrage of abuse, and all with a smile on their face.
Women ??? Are they moving up ???
by run dont walk inatteneded a catholic wedding on the weekend, it was strange, but nice, i don't know much of the catholic beliefs, talk was about an hour including hymns and songs and prayers, overall i thought it was well done.. one thing that caught my attention, the pastor giving the talk stepped down several times, and sat off to the side, as some women, read scriptures and talked to the audience (they were not nuns, all dressed as you would to go to a wedding), i was pleasantly surprised, i mean they had the whole stage and talked quite effectively, the pastor was very humble and praised the women for the job they did.
are times changing in the religions ????.
we all know this would never happen at the kingom hall.
I think there is a money spinner here for theWTBTS. Since sisters have to wear a "head covering" if no brother is present to say a prayer in a group, why not broaden there scope of service if they wear the patented " Sister Head Garment", or the SHG. The SHG can come in a leather look deluxe model, or conventional porper model. Of course no sale is actually involved but the "recommened voluntry donation" price could be extremly profitable.
PREPARE Ye the way to ditch 1914
by hamsterbait inthe wts started getting everyone ready to ditch generation teaching by .
1: putting in the greatest man book where christ talksof the sign (you know there was a picture of a space sattellite) - so armageddon will come in the lifetime of those who see the fulfilment of all he predicted.
Not sure of any new, dates, but "when they cry peace and security", oops i mean, " when you hear reports of these things", no thats not the one i was thinking of its:"As a thief in the night no one knows the day or the hour". Hang on i m sure i forgort "when the good news is peached in all the earth then the end will come", you know what with the sky turning"blood red" and the "sun and the moon, not giving light any more" I m pretty sure all bases are covered for at least another 100 years or so. By the way what the sequence of events again?
Hard Evidence of Life After Death, is there any?
by Blueblades in.
are you a blind believer or do you have evidence of a continued existence beyond physical death either personal in nature or from scientifically valid sources?.
1,Of course an energy value can be extracted from matter! Different matererial can contain different amounts of energy value. Coal. uranium, even wood can as matter have an energy value extracted from them. In no way is there atoms plus something else, as you so coined the phrase.
2, The cliff analogy, well you are only looking at the car. The energy is the cars rapid descent towards the earth. Or put it this way, a car will not just become a wreck. Impact, realse of energy, an effect to a cause, has to make it happen. Drop a human of a cliff, of course the body will be destroyed. Yes the matter will still exist. The energy, of the fall will cause damage, however the human has the force that makes it exist, aswell as the fall. Now quickly back to the car, yes it to is falling, like the human, bang they impact. Effect? Damage. Car, did it have any internal energy forces that are not relevent at impact? Yes, fuel, oil, etc. Could these now transfer by means of the impact to another realm? Yes. liquid fuel can ignite and become a gas. Its energy value has remained constant, but it has changed. Now back to the human, fuel? Maybe food, wont ignite though. Are we driven or functioning as a result of a complicated system, of bio-physical, neuro and physcological awareness? You may not want to answer this. I understand your argument totally. Purely on the note that nothing can become something else, that does not make sense. But as I keep saying, never say nothing is impossible. I was not offering any "hard facts" here, but I have succeeded in showing that possibilities are only limited to the individual. It is also hard to believe in a spirit realm considering we were all told that it is satanic, and the demons are constantly tryin to attack our spiritual armour. Do I belive in the world of spiritual forces? I belive the unknown is just that, I certainly wont let it stop me living life to the full now.
By the way, I ve never thought of myself as a psuedoscientist, but I like the ring to it.
Take it easy derek. Loved the stimuli that you ve bought.
Hard Evidence of Life After Death, is there any?
by Blueblades in.
are you a blind believer or do you have evidence of a continued existence beyond physical death either personal in nature or from scientifically valid sources?.
RE: funkyderek.
1,We are beings of matter. Yes, 99.99% of the known universe is made of atoms. Atoms are matter. Matter is a derivation of the word material. Material is substance. An atomic value can be added to a material substance. Atoms have an energy.
2, Yes indeed the matter of the human does still exist, however the energy that drives the engine, as in a car has to be transfered. Of course the car body remains however the energy has now made the car a wreck. It is manifest by perhaps noise, and twisted metal, so if a human dies are there perhaps possibilities that even though the "matter" of a corpse still exists, the energy that drove it could in effect transfer to a plain of field that we are unable, or more importantly, as yet not been able to identify, go to.
3,There have been many scientific breakthroughs that at one time due to ignorance, or lack of knowledge, would never have been possible. The great thing about the human mind is the ability to conseptulise(spelling please) what might be, then prove or disprove, through intellegence gained thusfar. However it is nice to think that great minds once ridiculled the idea that travel around the globe was foolhardy, or even travel in the sky was once as laughable as, well,energy transference. Have a liitle look at http://www, Yes keep your mind open.
Does anyone think the WTS is actually a 'front' organization?
by truth_about_the_truth ini've been thinking about this for a little while and it appears that this is a possibility.
although i cant say that there is solid evidence, it looks as if the clues are there:.
- clandestine involvement with the un as an ngo.
To truth_about_the_truth thankyou for a fascinating insight into some of histories most infamous influences. I don't know why but it is making so much sense. i have been studying the Knights Templar and Masonary for a while now, not knowing why I have been so intriged into the systems of secrecy and occultism that they had and have set in place. And zulikai (very biblical name man, sounds like you are the seventh son, of the third father , of the tribe of danhizedek.) your right, something is going to come out eventually. Time reveals all.
Hard Evidence of Life After Death, is there any?
by Blueblades in.
are you a blind believer or do you have evidence of a continued existence beyond physical death either personal in nature or from scientifically valid sources?.
People that claim to see ghosts or dead people often notice that they seem to be light in colour or glowing, i know this is popular in movies too, but bear with me here, if an alternate dimension to our own were to exist could there be a transference between what we know as life and the ether of the unknown. This is hard to measure with traditional scientific measurements, sure but if we could assume that we are beings of energy(that is fact), and in relation to energy Einstien made the deduction that energy does not dissapate but rather has to make itself evident by an effect to the cause i.e the energy from an engine in a car, will upon impact with another object will transfer to other parts of the vehicle or object and be manifest in lets say, twisted metal, or sound waves. Now if a human suddenly extinguishes(dies) does the energy that he once was, vannish? Maybe, or maybe not. By looking beyond the spectrum of what is visable light we are able to see infa-red, we know that light has a very high frequency. (Light being identifed, also by Einstien, as particles, known as photons), if enormously high frequencies of light, that is to say rather than seeing in a lower frequency such as infra-red, we go up beyond white light there is a possibilty that this frequency could in effect pass through solid objects. This sounds what some people claim to see. Now holes can be picked in this, sure, we are all here because we picked holes once. You asked for solid proof of life after death, there will maybe never be any, but, there could be a possibilty that death is just a transference of energy. The important thing is to always keep your mind open.
Will the Real "Great Crowd" Please Stand Up!!!
by rockhound inin doing some research on the "great crowd" or "great multitude", i found some interesting watchtower articles that brought to the fore a very thought provoking question for all jehovahs witneses.
please follow the paper trail.. the watchtower of may 15,1995,p.20
18 in 1935 a bright flash of light revealed that the great crowd mentioned at revelation 7:9-17 was not a secondary heavenly class.
All i can say is I feel sorry for the next JW to call at your door. Good work!