And then it will be 2006 and we will have successfully finished a "prophetic" year of 2005, 1935 + 70 years.
Classic. lmao
comments you will not hear at the 12-18-05 wt study (november 15, 2005 issue)(walk)(abbreviated)
review comments will be in red
wt material from today's wt will be in black
And then it will be 2006 and we will have successfully finished a "prophetic" year of 2005, 1935 + 70 years.
Classic. lmao
this is a thought on why hong kong was given back to china (as reasoned by a staunch jw).
cut from beliefnet.
i remember a co gave a talk, that one of my sisters found very objectionable.
Think Britain won Hong kong in a bet about some tea, the great tea war as it was known as.
And I suppose there are only about 1 BILLION people that need a JW at their door, even if all 6-7 million (whatever the figure is these days) went in thats quite a territory to cover. Hello India?
i just got back from the meeting minutes ago.
we had an announcement at the kh this evening that there will be a special talk next service meeting entitled "obeissons au commandement divin de nous abstenir du sang"... which means "let us obey the divin commandment to abstain from blood"
i asked the presiding overseer why the blood talk was being given so early, and not in line with the kingdom ministry schedule.
elvis presley: [watchtower 1982, p. 24] for over two decades elvis .
presley was a superstar.
in a presley biography we read that although he had .
This is one of the funnist posts I ve read for a while.
What should you do? Perhaps it was best summed up by young Bob, who said: “Be
very selective. Be careful of both the songs and the videos. Be ready to change
the channel.”
I wonder what "Young Bob" is up to these days?
i have just sent this in to a popular current affairs tv show here in australia, (a current affair) do you think it is appropriate, or not?
( please don,t sue me if your site is listed, i only want to expose the truth.
also please don't take legal action if you are the wtbts, you should be happy to have your org looked into if there is nothing to hide, other wise any lawyers that could work pro bono, help.
I have just sent this in to a popular current affairs tv show here in Australia, (A Current Affair) do you think it is appropriate, or not? ( please don,t sue me if your site is listed, I only want to expose the truth. Also please don't take legal action if you are the WTBTS, you should be happy to have your org looked into if there is nothing to hide, other wise any lawyers that could work pro bono, help.) here it is - "An extreme fundamentalist cult ruining many young lives, strict belief that the end of the world is immenent, so no need for education, abstain from child birth, blood transfusions refused, peadofiles protected in secret meetings of "elders". If required underground splinter groups can still function to preach, even if the law forbids. Family to shun members who leave, no questioning of leadership tolerated. & , , . I hope you can see the "truth", and reveal a disgusting cult.
Jan Castellari, ex member"
Disclaimer: In no way am I intending a biased view of the "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania" inc. However as a person living in a democratic society I am excercising my right to free speech, and in no way seek legal ramifications, this is only an internet forum, and as such I am entitled to seek fellow guidance and, or support. These comments are my opinions only, and ask the moderators to remove this topic if it in any way contravenes posting guildline No:4.
jehovah's witnesses .
if you are one of jehovah's witnesses your mind is being controlled by someone else without your knowledge.
mind control - what is it?.
May we save and make copies for personal distribution? Found it very good for a JW possibly wanting to see things in a different light, and help them see the control they are under. I must agree with others on the thread that our mind set has been programmed and it is easy for some to just change masters. However excellant read, and would like to know if it may be reproduced if not in whole, in part for personal files. Thanks.
elders, elders .
so whatcha gonna do .
oh whatcha gonna do .
Have a beer before, at least 5 pints during, and as they leave say your "just of to the pub", that should do the trick.
Welcome Orion, you have at last found really nice genuine, non-judgemental people from all over our great planet. Warning: This site is addictive, and may cause enlightenment!
so smoking cigs is a drug, yea like caffine (saw this posted somewhere recently), so then they say, its a defilement, and cause cancer etc.
by this method of thinking, is it also wrong to deliberatly sun-bathe, knowing full well its dangerous (especially here in australia, lots of skin cancers from it) and possibly not showing respect for "the sanctity of life"?.
someone asked me this while i was still a dub, i think it helped put a dent in the old "faith" bridge.
So smoking cigs is a drug, yea like caffine (saw this posted somewhere recently), so then they say, its a defilement, and cause cancer etc. By this method of thinking, is it also wrong to deliberatly sun-bathe, knowing full well its dangerous (especially here in Australia, lots of skin cancers from it) and possibly not showing respect for "the sanctity of life"?. Someone asked me this while I was still a dub, I think it helped put a dent in the old "faith" bridge. Like to know any thoughts you may have.
Young People Ask? - Should I go nude, or wear full costume?
my wife and i went out to a mexican restaurant the other night... and the place was packed...with tons of people waiting, which was a little unusual.
as we're waiting we notice everyone seems overdressed... then we saw them...the name tags...
it was the dist.
you mean you wasn't wearing your "apostate lapel card" for all to see? What a place to be in at that time, lol, expect the tips were well down that night also. They need the alcohol to stiffen the resolve for another day of of repetitive brain washing.