JoinedPosts by Smiles_Smiles
by schne_belly in.
hey guys.... please join me in an officially welcoming a good friend of ours....proteus!
he's especially in need of our love and support right now!
Are You Truly Happy
by Golf infor me, i've learned to be content.
a to what makes me happy, well, i'm happy when other people are happy.
i'm happy when i give my grandchildren plenty of hugs and kisses.
JT - Kudos to you for that translation. I find in my everyday life translating uses so much energy for me at times that I don't do it very often thereby cutting down my depth of communication with most. It was nice to read your brief and concise way of putting it.
Are You Truly Happy
by Golf infor me, i've learned to be content.
a to what makes me happy, well, i'm happy when other people are happy.
i'm happy when i give my grandchildren plenty of hugs and kisses.
Well put, Popper!!!
What you refer to as happiness above is what I refer to as inner peace. And it is a constant for me no matter what's happening around me.
tetrapod: a year ago today....
by tetrapod.sapien ini joined this board in march of 05, if i recall correctly.
i had da'd shortly before.. a year ago today, dec 25, 04, was hell for me.
i was already an atheist, but had not da'd yet.
Tetrapod, it is so nice to read this post from you inparticular. I have read a couple of your post and have always wished you peace (without replying). When your self destructive side comes out in your posts my heart hurts for you without even knowing you.
As you move along your journey this year I hope the peace you feel right now continues with you and grows to embrace all aspects of your being and life.
Many smiles.
A Brief History
by Sentient ini posted this in another forum and i was advised to repost it here as well, so here you go.
the is the first time i've posted in a jw related forum since some years ago when i was an ms, or really made any comments to any former or current members outside of the immediate family.
although this may not be the appropriate subforum for it, i'll explain just a bit of my own history because it relates to my own conclusions as to the topic here at hand.
Amazing what love can do ... true unconditional love. I look forward to the next installment.
A Brief History
by Sentient ini posted this in another forum and i was advised to repost it here as well, so here you go.
the is the first time i've posted in a jw related forum since some years ago when i was an ms, or really made any comments to any former or current members outside of the immediate family.
although this may not be the appropriate subforum for it, i'll explain just a bit of my own history because it relates to my own conclusions as to the topic here at hand.
Welcome Sentient!
Your story is very interesting. I am happy you are on the other side of the JW journey sounding very emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy. And yes the jurney continues....
Do you know where the first person you had sex with, lives now?
by free2beme ini was actually baptized in my early 20's, so i spent some time as a teen and early twenties doing things that were not witness-like.
one of those things was sex out of marriage and to be honest, i have no regrets.
i have wondered though sometimes, where is that person i shared such a landmark moment with in life.
Yes. About an hour away from Atlanta. Married with 5 kids.
My first guy was right after I left home and the bOrg the first time as a teenager. It was a great experience.
What's interesting is after leaving the bOrg for the second and final time a few years ago. The same guy was my first guy after being celibate for yearssss. It was a good 'experience' yet again. Not quite as good as I remembered but good just the same.
What is Zen
by Enigma One inafter dumping the dub's i was against all religion of any kind.
slowly but surely i started to embrace a belief system that matched my own internal one.
part of my job takes me to asia.
Excuse me for being so late ... but I just had to say ....
(tehehee ... uhhh ... yea, a sista is from Texas. )
What is Zen
by Enigma One inafter dumping the dub's i was against all religion of any kind.
slowly but surely i started to embrace a belief system that matched my own internal one.
part of my job takes me to asia.
Lego, I'm glad I'm not the only one I make sense to.
What is Zen
by Enigma One inafter dumping the dub's i was against all religion of any kind.
slowly but surely i started to embrace a belief system that matched my own internal one.
part of my job takes me to asia.
hmmm ... ??? ...
"body is my core of spirituality"
do you mind elaborating, please? Just curious ...