JoinedPosts by Smiles_Smiles
Quick survey for apostates - please everyone just yes or no answer
by slimboyfat indo the other witnesses with whom you associate/once associated in general know that you are an apostate or have apostate inclinations?
the reason for the phrase "in general" is that it may be the case that one or two close friends know how you feel, but others in general do not.
in my own case, one other witness knows, but no one else, so i would answer the survey question with a "no".
Dumping Sodas
by Sparkplug ini am so mad right now.
last night i went to the grocery store.
they have ten packs of soda for 10 dollars.
Hey Spark ... don't forget to breathe!!! Raising kids can be a full time nightmare ... uhhh ... I mean job. tehehee ... I think taking a minute to run away from home is a great idea. Then when you come back things may seem a little better.
What I have learn from being a kid and raising one is kids lie out of fear mostly. When they are in a lose lose situation they lie. So do some adults. I have no solution for you. I have one daughter and I give her run of the house regarding food. And as far as life goes she is not prone to fibbing. But there are some great suggestions on here.
And for the teens who are prone to lieing ... who knows how to make them feel comfortable enough to tell the truth all the time. When they discover that pill somebody gonna get rich!!
Dont forget ... this too shall pass ... hugs, smiles
What's your favourite movie of all time?
by deeskis inwe had a weekend away a couple of weeks ago.
i took a few classic dvd's along in case the weather turned sour.. so i watched ghost with demi moore, that pottery scene has to be one of my favourite me goosebumps!
but it's not my favourite movie of all time/ i'm embarrassed to admit it, but ok i will, cause i'm with friends!
Last of the Mohicans ... "You stay alive! You're strong! No matter how long no matter how far!! I WILL find you! You stay alive!!" booo hooo hooo ... Gawd I love that movie!!!
fluffyfoofoo esp for sparky & daystar (hey baby, what's your sign?)
by Brigid in.
well, in the interest of fluff and foo foo stuff (and because it's a great hobby of mine), i want to know what peoples' signs are (no, not "keep off the grass") .
i have guesses about many here and what their signs are.. please please indulge me..... ~brigid
I'm a Libra. Yeahhhhh
I had to call and ask my daughter about the planet ... it is Venus
I always wondered why balance and love was always so important to me. It all makes sense.
Strip Clubs
by pratt1 inwould you approve of your significant other going (and enjoying) a strip club?.
as an aside, do you know of any active dubs who go to strip clubs?.
i know of and has seen several enjoying the festivities.
Stripped all during college and a little after that. Actually met my ex-husband at work. They can be harmless. Thank goodness I worked in Texas up scale clubs, though. Because some of the 'hole-n-the-walls' can get kind of raunchy. But live and let live, I always say.
Religion, what is it to you?
by greendawn inwhat does religion mean to you?
is it just an organised system of dogmas propagared by its adherants, is it a psycho-therapeutic system, the body of christ, or the way one lives out the things he believes?
or something else?
To me religion provides a sense of security for those who need it. Medicine until one has found a state of health/conscousness were regimented dogma and guidelines are no longer needed nor wanted.
You scored as Evolving nicely...
Dedicated to the truth, not afraid of self-responsibility, not afraid of love, and ultimately grateful, you are very close to what the Creator wanted for his balls of consciousness. Keep asking, keep forgiving yourself - when death comes, you won't be afraid.
Evolving nicely.. 70% Enlightened 60% You're kidding yourself.. 10% You're still waiting for your thumbs.. 0% Go and find a soul, please.. 0% You are a Sheep. 0% -
"The True Power of Water".... what a book...
by AK - Jeff ini just finished this fellow's book - "the true power of water".
in it the basic precept of 'hado' is explained and he proves with experimental evidence his theorum of life vibrations to the quality of life.... the below is an introduction on his website; .
i have found this to be facsinating in spite of my 'western' thinking and predudices.
I read this book a while back. It was introduced to me by the movie 'What the Bleep'. I think it is cool to explore the 'possibilities'.
It's Friday night - what are you up to??
by Super_Becka inahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Well since Saturday is date night for me ... tonight I am doing laundry, cooking and curling up to watch a good movie with my daughter. The perfect Friday night.
Why am I not bitter?
by DannyBloem inmany people on this board seems to be a bit bitter and angry.
many do feel a form of hate towards the gb or even witnesses in general.. i do understand that many feel this way, some have all rigths to be bitter.. wy do i not feel like that?
i am not bitter, nor hate the gb or witnesses.
Good question.
I am not bitter either and I could not even began to name all the injustices I have sufferd because of my mom choosing to stay in the religion and me subsequently having to be deprogrammed. I almost physically died in the process.
Now I am at the stage of live and let live and I hope I stay there.
Yes people are continuing to choose to let the bOrg determine how they live their lives. Well just like all things there are consequences for the choices one make. I was totally blind and 100% in the bOrg for a while. It was not my choice as a child but it was my choice as an adult. I am not bitter with myself for making that choice nor with the bOrg for existing. It's just life. And now that I am free i am sooo much more in love with life then I have ever been. I wish all in the bOrg (current/past/future) could experience this but until they do I will keep compassion in my heart for them even though I choose not to associate with most of them. No bitterness what so ever though.
I think I have just forgiven all (not to be confused with forgotten) and accept the consequences that came/come from the choices I and my parents made/make. But I don't put blame or fault with it or even negative energy toward it. Because negative energy coming from me to a person or bOrg proves to damage me more then anyone else. And with all of that said there has been times in my past that I was bitter. So I totally understand that feeling and mind set. I'm just over and through with all of that now. I really only want positive energy to be within me (and around me).