First of all .... B-R-E-A-T-H-E. You don't have to solve it all today.
School (trade or college) is a great place to start meeting new people and learning how to accept them for who they are without having the JW glasses cloud your view. So that will start to take care of the no friends outside of JW issue.
I love the idea of using 'wanting to marry and have kids in a few years' so that you can stay 'clean' in the (b)org. (assuming u are a male) I think any JW parent would be able to swallow that. So maybe going to school for electrician even if it is just part time.
You don't necessarily have to pretend to regular pioneer maybe pretend to regular auxillary. That will facilitate your schooling, keep your parent's nerves calm, and give you time away from home to have friends and do things with them once you go to school. It will also probably help you to get strong enough within yourself to come clean with your family and JW friends in your own due time.
Remember no matter what you decide ... you are having to unravel 20 years of grooming to be a certain way. 20 years of mind, thought, and perception control not to mention actions. That is not going to happen over night. Take it one step at a time at your own pace and be patience and kind to yourself.
Good luck!