JoinedPosts by Shanagirl1
Another mass shooting, three or four hours ago.
by James Mixon insan bernardino california.
up to 12 people have been killed.. the center a private non-profit agency that assists people with developmental.
It sounds like Islamic Jihadists wanting to hit soft targets dressed in black tactical gear and masks and carrying assault weapons. Evil personified in the name of their god? -
by DATA-DOG inbreaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
The CO's were saying that when I joined this fucking cult back in the early '80s.
Ha, they also said that when I joined that fucking cult in the 1970's was told my hubby and I would have our first child in jail during the persecution.
Bill Cosby - too much smoke for no fire?
by Simon init seems like the list of people who are accusing him of rape and sexual assault is growing every day.
i'm skeptical of single accusations but the number of people and the similar stories seem overwhelming now.. it's not a conviction but to the court of public opinion ... guilty?.
He's a sexual predator who has had a history of preying on women, some of which were underage. His perversion is about rendering them helpless through drug incompacitation. With the amount of women strong enough to come forward and tell a story that they've kept silent for years, this is a story to be believed. These sexual assaults happened when women did not have a voice and during a time when sexual abuse and pedophilia were not talked about and not made public. I'm happy these women are being validated and vindicated, and I believe that a man with his perversion and predatory nature has countless more victims that are out there still. Shana -
A "body of elders" or really one main guy?
by Simon inthe wts promotes the idea of congregations being managed by a body or elders who all follow their rules and so are in full agreement with how things should be done.. was your hall like this?.
out hall was a constant battlefield for power between a couple of elders and their families - relatives that had been promoted to various positions.
it wasn't some hidden secret, it was blatant and obvious.
Yes, I've seen one family dominate several congregations within a circuit thru dirty polictics, tactical appointments and intermarriage. It's no wonder a family could dominate with enough DNA on bodies of elders, and also how incest within the congregations can actually take root also.
Theists, why does God allow suffering..
by The Quiet One in..specifically, the suffering of animals.
you can talk about free will/sin/people choosing to not listen to god etc to explain human suffering being allowed.. but how can you love a god that allows animals, that haven't sinned or chosen to not have anything to do with god, to have their short lives ended in often long, drawn out, painful ways.
i could list stories i've read that would probably make you feel ill, but i'm not looking to shock anyone or start an emotional debate.
The evil Yahweh god of Abraham was the same evil entity that created all organic life and suffering is what comes to my mind. Being a huge animal lover I cannot even comprehend the suffering animals go thru in nature through predation and survival in the worst of weather conditions, as well as at the hand of humans. Evil is what evil does. Now wonder Watchtower is so empty and heartless. It emulates the evil Yahweh god they worship.
A "body of elders" or really one main guy?
by Simon inthe wts promotes the idea of congregations being managed by a body or elders who all follow their rules and so are in full agreement with how things should be done.. was your hall like this?.
out hall was a constant battlefield for power between a couple of elders and their families - relatives that had been promoted to various positions.
it wasn't some hidden secret, it was blatant and obvious.
The congregation I came from was not only elders and their family's displaying power and control, but it was also that these elder's families extended into neighboring congregagtions thru intermarriage and nepetism which resulted in power and control intercongregationally
THEOCRATIC KENOSIS: the Watchtower Organization's ultimate goal for humanity
by TerryWalstrom inever wonder why jehovah's witnesses have almost nothing but words instead of love?.
every wonder why jw's praise their corporate leaders rather than jesus?.
every wonder why faith is only demonstrated by allowing children to die and molesters to escape, or disasters to be welcomed through obstinate demonstrations of loyalty to the org?.
JWs and Multiple Personality Disorder
by Illuminated ini remember the first time i was hit with my loves cult personality.
knowing the real him, my jaw dropped witnessing this switch.
i thought he had lost it.
Multiple Personality Disorder or MPD is no longer the term used with this dissociative diagnosis. The current term is Dissociative Identity Disorder. There are specific criteria for this diagnosis which is usually a result of severe traumatic event to a small child dealing with abuse that is physical and sexual for a sustained period of time. Though it is a condition that can cause pain and suffering for those that suffer from it, often a survivor with a good therapy program with qualified professional and sometimes with pharmocological support of a psychiatirst, healing will occur thru the integration of these pained "personalities" back into their whole personlity. Many can and will go on to lead happy and fulfilling lives especially if they are not faced with having to deal with their abuser. I don't beleive the Jehovah cult personality is DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder. Although a DID patient can have a separate personality within the others that splits off and becomes the "JW" part, with specifc issues and triggers that can exasperate and bring out this part of them.
Called on a DF'd person today.
by kairos inwow, what a surprise that was!.
i expected a warm welcome, as this was someone i have known for a very long time.. nope, uber disfellowshipped jw.
totally caught me off guard.
My son was like this when he was Df'd after leaving Bethel. All he wanted was to get back into his "community". And Frankly, as we were devout JW's at that time also, this is what we wanted too. I think his being disfellowshipped was the trigger for my own spiral downward into seeing the TTATT. It was not the main reason. But his experience through this and finally being re-instated, then the other issues over the child molestation crap is what made me open my eyes to the WT. But yes, I have known uber disfellowshipped ones who think you should shun them. One thing, though is we refused to shun our son. No matter what threats came at us from the "brothers". They wanted us to kick him out of our home, and we refused. Yep, He was our son, and this was the start of me beginning to realize how much my family needed to free ourselves from this religion. I could go on and on but, will not. Your post just brought up some memories.:)
Chris Hitchens was awesome. I used to love to listen to him. I loved his ideas. He is missed for sure.