SankesInTheTower. Good, original handle. One question though. Was SnakesInTheTower already taken? *looking* No, it isn't.
Sorry you mistyped "snakes". Or... did you?
to answer alligator wisdom's request for more info on will have to come out in trickles.
i am a prolific writer if i allow myself.
for now, i will tell you that until recently i was an elder.
SankesInTheTower. Good, original handle. One question though. Was SnakesInTheTower already taken? *looking* No, it isn't.
Sorry you mistyped "snakes". Or... did you?
alone i savor wild flowers tucked in along the creeks,.
and there's a yellow oriole singing in tree top depths,.
spring floods come rain swollen and wild at twilight.
I have things like that happen to me frequently enough that it no longer surprises me so much. Though it's no less enjoyable.
Has Brigid been in contact with you today?
a newssource today quotes singer sheryl crow, an anti-global warming (which i applaud) activist, "i propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting.
now, i dont want to rob any law-abiding american of his or her god-given rights, but i think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required.".
not being a woman i don't know about that -- i have my doubts.
An even better source, Sheryl's very own blog on her very own web site.
I have spent the better part of this tour trying to come up with easy ways for us all to become a part of the solution to global warming. Although my ideas are in the earliest stages of development, they are, in my mind, worth investigating. One of my favorites is in the area of conserving trees which we heavily rely on for oxygen. I propose a limitation be put on how many sqares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required. When presenting this idea to my younger brother, who's judgement I trust implicitly, he proposed taking it one step further. I believe his quote was, "how bout just washing the one square out."
does anyone know if the wts is still teaching that jesus is/was the archangel michael?
i think i remember hearing that they were trying to phase this teaching out.
i can't remember why.
Archangel. God’s Word refers to Michael "the archangel." (Jude 9) This term means "chief angel." Notice that Michael is called the archangel. This suggests that there is only one such angel.
So, using that logic, Felix the Cat was, like, the only cat in existence.
"for, behold, i create new heavens and a new earth..." -- isa.
found 20 light years away: the new earth.
That's a great find! I can't wait for more data.
Will this have any impact on religions with a terrestrial-centered worldview, I wonder. Supposing that we eventually find sophisticated life (more sophisticated than brown algae) on Earth2.
The discovery that the earth was not the center of everything caused quite a stir. People were imprisoned, executed... for even hinting at it. With our more secular world today, at least in the West, this will not make nearly as much of an impact. Though, it may make us earthlings a little less special in God's eye, no?
this question is for all of us who were ever associated with the wts.
baptized, ministerial servants, elders, pioneers, etc, etc.
why is it that a lot of us call ourselves "free" when in fact we keep debating, putting down, hating, examining, analizing everything the wts does, did and will do?
It's part of the process.
a poster who has chickened out of posting this (naughty girl) is reading a book about buddhism which says that orgasm is the path to enlightenment?
does anyone know anything about buddhism?
it might be my new religion and then i can stop slating other religious people!
Just a few links to get her started.
and the gods rejoiced!!!!
venus winked at mars as she held another of her native sons and said..."told ya ain't seen nothin' yet".
okay, don't know why i can't just say it's daystar's birthday on sunday but i'm just weird that way.
And I love you too, baby.
and the gods rejoiced!!!!
venus winked at mars as she held another of her native sons and said..."told ya ain't seen nothin' yet".
okay, don't know why i can't just say it's daystar's birthday on sunday but i'm just weird that way.
Thanks to all!
I had a great birthday! We went out for dinner and a few drinks Friday with some friends from my work.
Then, on Saturday, Brigid and I went to Scarborough Faire for some renaissance faire fun, where I picked up a couple more pieces for my garb for Xena and LittleToe's big day there! (Woot!) Later, we went to dinner again with some friends of mine, to my favorite cajun restaurant, Nate's, and ate bunches of crawfish. We left there for a game of pool and a few more drinks. And then Brigid and I went back to my place for some "quiet time".
Sunday, my son came back from his mom's and he and Brigid started making a birthday cake for me, finished it last night, and it was excellent! And I got to blow out candles on my very own birthday cake, for the very first time ever.
All in all, it was a good, good time.
in wt april 15,2007 says`although the nephilim were annihiliated in the flood,their fathers went back to the spirit realm as invisible demons.. _1 peter 3;19,20.. .
interesting question,if demons had children by women,how did they impregnate the women?.
Like, if they (the offspring) all died in the flood, what were they doing in the mountainous region when Caleb went to settle in the promised land?
I've thought about that too. The only conclusion that I can make is that not all of them died in the flood, which makes sense if the flood was actually, you know, a regional phenomenon more than a global one.
Otherwise, why tales of giants such as Goliath after the flood? He surely must have been a descendant. Don't you think?