IN WT APRIL 15,2007 says`Although the Nephilim were annihiliated in the Flood,their fathers went back to the spirit realm as invisible demons.
_1 Peter 3;19,20.
Interesting question,if demons had children by women,how did they impregnate the women?
by badboy 25 Replies latest jw friends
IN WT APRIL 15,2007 says`Although the Nephilim were annihiliated in the Flood,their fathers went back to the spirit realm as invisible demons.
_1 Peter 3;19,20.
Interesting question,if demons had children by women,how did they impregnate the women?
For what it's worth, I read in the Watchtower literature that the angels could 'materialize' fully human bodies when directed to do so (or when they took it upon themselves to do so).
Reading between the lines, I suppose the materialized bodies including all vital organs and fluids necessary to be fully human, in these cases, men able to impregnate human females.
Interesting mythology?
If taken to its logical conclusion, these angels-turned-men would have had sperm in their bodies to reproduce. How else could such an occurrence be explained?
Mythology often produces logical conundrums.
Whenever I hear mention of this subject, I think of this:
Right. I believe the implication was that spirit entities could take on complete human form when they desired to.
I was always fascinated by the stories of the Nephilim, the Watchers, etc., as well.
I'd recommend picking up a copy of The Book Of Enoch if this subject interests you.
I have this copy with commentary by Elizabeth Claire Prophet. She's a bit of a kook, but it was the only version I could find at the time. As you can see here, there are a number of others though.
They had the full range of human bodies and that was why God took that power away from angels and wiped the earth clean so that could never happen again.
Actually, the biblical (and originally extrabiblical) belief was that the demons are the released spirits of the Nephilim who drowned in the Flood (that is why they seek new bodies to inhabit, because they lost their original bodies, and that is why they drowned themselves when they possessed swine in Mark 5:10-20). Their fathers, the fallen angels, do not roam free...they were imprisoned by the archangels and they remain there imprisoned in darkness until Judgment Day (see 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6, 1 Enoch 10:4-14).
They take it from Genesis where the sons of God desired women and went ahead and took as many as they wanted. The sons of God are taken to be angels who must therefore have materialised to have sexual relations with women.
Many mainstream religions give another meaning to "sons of God", since angels they believe do not have sex hormones and therefore can't have sexual urges. But the first explanation sounds more plausible. Whether it is mythology or not who knows?
One of the if not THE most interesting story of the bible. This question (the logistics of insemination both by these entities and god's insemination of Mary) fasincated me. I asked a lot of pesky questions around it. Like, if they (the offspring) all died in the flood, what were they doing in the mountainous region when Caleb went to settle in the promised land?