My parents started meetings in the Southgate cong. in Garland around 1974. Clark and Eva Sorrels were studying with them.
I was one year old.
I stopped attending meetings about the same time you did.
it's been a while since this topic has been brought up.
use it as a chance to see if there is someone you might know from years past.
1973-1976 --- lakeside, ca??
My parents started meetings in the Southgate cong. in Garland around 1974. Clark and Eva Sorrels were studying with them.
I was one year old.
I stopped attending meetings about the same time you did.
it's been a while since this topic has been brought up.
use it as a chance to see if there is someone you might know from years past.
1973-1976 --- lakeside, ca??
Southgate congregation in Garland, Texas - first 18 years of my life.
Visited Lakeview cong., also in Garland, on occasion.
got up early and getting ready for work.
couldn't breathe and lots of chest pain.
had jake take me to er.
Glad you're back home. Do what you need to to be healthier.
so i am going on a blind first date this weekend?
i havent done any dating really - well ever.
i just end up with people for years and years by accidents of fate i guess.. what should i and shouldnt i do on a first date?
I do need to reiterate perhaps that I am not looking for anything serious at this stage though.
Good idea. And when she falls for you anyway, as she inevitably will, don't back down. It will do no one any good for you to pretend.
tell me what jeans mean to you?
your first pair?
your favourite pair?
Gods people! I am at work here! And I don't need someone walking behind me to see some guy with assless jeans on my screen.
It was hard finding jeans to fit me for a long time. I had a 29" waist and 32-34" inseam for a very long time. Try finding that size in anything but Wrangler or Lee! Forget Levi's.
But now that I've filled out a bit, 34-36" waist, same 34" inseam, it is much easier.
I lurv jeans. A woman with a nice apple bottom and tight jeans... rowr!! Speaking of Brigid...
so i am going on a blind first date this weekend?
i havent done any dating really - well ever.
i just end up with people for years and years by accidents of fate i guess.. what should i and shouldnt i do on a first date?
Trust your instincts. Sometimes they may be wrong, but only sometimes. And besides, better to be wrong on a first date than two years down the road. Be completely, completely honest, with yourself and with your date.
Don't be overly worried about hurting feelings. Don't be mean, but if you just don't like the person and they do like you, better to bow out early and save you both frustration.
If you just want to get laid, be up front about that as well. Very important. If they can handle it, great. If not, too bad, so sad. Reserve the right to cut it off at any time, no reason necessary.
And most importantly, keep a list, mentally or otherwise, of the characteristics you're looking for ultimately. If the person does not match at least most of them, remind yourself that they're just not for you. And, again, be honest with them about that as well. Learn to say, if you don't know how to already, "You're a great person. I like you a lot. But you are simply not the person for me." And don't back down.
Personal experience with this has yielded phenomenal results!
this should be a proud and happy time in my life as a mom.
:( on top of everything else in my life these in the process of planning a sweet sixteen party for my little girl for may 12, and my oldest son graduates from high school on may 18 followed by a party i am trying to have for him on may 26 followed by my daughter's four dance company recitals the weekend of june 1. also my youngest sons birthday is this sunday..... so...i spent days designing and mailing out gorgeous graduation invitations to everybody i know and all our wacked relatives.
i wrote to the jws in advance and asked if they would please put their differences aside for one night to celebrate my son's achievements.
Matt. 5:30
30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
for now the rules of dis world is satan.
but for 1 day satan will b destroyed.
Why don't you tell about yourself, and include the highest grade you completed.
OMG, 4rlz!
OMG 4 reel?
Sat4n iz so haxxorz he wuz lik "I'm so tough" but god wuz lik "nuh uh" then kicked him out.
god wuz all "lolz" and sat4n wuz lik "WTF" da angelz were all like "pwned"
But now hes ruler and datz bad.
welcom to da forum dood, post mor stuff plz.
me 2! LOL!
a good friend of mine that is an ex-jws and now is a born again christian told me that she thinks that the wt society will demand jw's to accept the "mark" of the beast.
i was wondering how would this happen?
will jw's that get baptized at assemblies have to say some sort of "heil the wt society" or will they somehow denounce jehovah and jesus and praise the gb?
It's certainly a wolf in sheep's clothing. Even they don't suspect! Well, maybe a few near the top.
ive found that i have just about reached my tolerance level for anxiety.
the family stuff has pushed me way up there, and every three months i get exams, plus im doing job interviews because im rather over my stupid little job.
im finding myself losing my nut sometimes because i cant get rid of it and just blow out, eg: .
Last year, before Brigid and I started seeing each other in the shape of every cloud, I experienced the first panic attack of my life.
It was not pleasant at all. I was at my sister's for a birthday party for her. I could hardly hold a thought, could only speak in short phrases, which I had to think about very deeply before I could even say them. Needless to say, I couldn't begin to play the board game we were attempting.
Now, I know all about breathing exercises, relaxation methods, etc., but nothing worked. I had to excuse myself to the bedroom to lie down. I was even afraid I may hurt myself, so when I found a phillips head screwdriver on the bathroom counter, I had to remove it from my surroundings.
The only thing that helped was watching Saturday Night Live and MADTV. You know, to let me laugh a bit and relax.
After that, I had mild symptoms, arrhythmia, sleeplessness, etc. And eventually (because I am a guy after all), I saw my physician and he prescribed me Wellbutrin. It helped, quite a lot. And, well, honestly, meeting Brigid helped immensely as well.
Normally, grounding yourself will help. Breathing exercises, etc. Working with my plants have helped at times. Doing something very mundane and earthy helps me sometimes.