B. - Self-evident to me.
JoinedPosts by daystar
Human Nature
by nvrgnbk inare we essentially moral beings, corrupted by society?.
or are we in fact amoral, socialized by cultural pressures and religious beliefs?.
So non-creationist - what do you think of those who still accept creation?
by AK - Jeff inno firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept evolutionist' theories?.
The universe and everything in it is just too awesome to believe all this happened by chance.
Why not? I am just as amazed as the next person by the wonders of this Universe we are a part of. But that alone is not, to me, good enough reason to believe the bible version of what happened at face value.
Harry Potter and the exasperated mum........help
by fifi40 inmy ex is a jw (as previously mentioned) and is against our son going to see the new movie, despite admitting that he has witness friends who will happily go and see it........oh and he also has witness friends that would dob their brother into the elders for going to see it.. i have just had a bit of a heated debate about it with him (our son is 14, nearly 15) and i just wondered if any of you have good sound reasoning for what is a 'matter of conscience' for these brainwashedd poo brains!!!!!.
help.........warlock can you just wave a magic wand or something............ a mother doing battle with the force...............a brain numbing, mind control force at that.
seriously folks though any gems you have would be greatly appreciated.
Daystar.................I understand what you are saying........but in part my son's conscience is being moulded by a distorted religion......I have said before on other threads if I demanded he stop attending meetings he would say he wanted to go so all I can do is follow the advice given by the likes of Mum and Terry and aid him in the art of thinking for yourself................unfortunately because of his upbringing this may on occassion hurt his falsely developed conscience..........if that makes sense..........but I appreciate your concern, it is one I share.
Your son's conscience surely is being molded by what I consider to be a distorted religion. But that doesn't make it any less real to him, any more than it was for the likes of myself.
A damaged conscience, whether rightly maintained so in your, my, or anyone else's opinion, is still a difficult thing to recover from. Feelings of guilt, etc., could last for years. I know I'm taking this pretty far. I just mean to say to be careful. If your son wishes to stand upright with the JW view of what's "right" and "wrong", seeing this film is most certainly a "wrong" in the Witness mindset as a whole, whether some JWs are going to see it anyway or not. You should consider whether it is worth being the source of his being "led astray" in their viewpoint or not.
I think it quite wise to assist him in learning to think critically and independantly. Absolutely. Just be aware of the risks.
I'm in love...
by Confession inwhile i've never been a prolific contributor here at jwd, some may have noticed my dramatically curtailed participation.
that's because on the evening of saturday, may 19th, i shared a kiss with the woman in the below picture, and that kiss turned into a dramatic and passionate adventure.
one that we're still both enjoying, and that we've decided to continue.... she is the most exciting, loving, fun, smart, sexy and beautiful woman i have ever met.
So non-creationist - what do you think of those who still accept creation?
by AK - Jeff inno firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept evolutionist' theories?.
I suppose my initial response was not to the point. I may respect a person regardless of their beliefs on any particular thing. Namaste!
My opinion is that a person who believes that creation came about via the exoteric series of steps laid out in the bible, for example, believes a fairy tale to be actual, concrete reality rather than, at best, great embellishment.
So non-creationist - what do you think of those who still accept creation?
by AK - Jeff inno firestorms please.
but be honest.
do you think that we are of a lower level of intelligence than those who accept evolutionist' theories?.
Daystar - good points.
But is 'acceptance of the Bible' an absolute before accepting that higher powers are responsible for life? I am assuming you meant inside the 'Christian' realm with your comments.
Ok, how about this: "acceptance of whatever ancient book is telling the believer that the Universe, the earth, and life on it came about in any certain way...", whether it says the earth sits upon a turtle's back or whatever. The point is the same.
"Charles Taze Russell was a 33rd Degree Freemason"
by FreedomFrog ini found this site very interesting..... http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/false%20religions/jehovah%20witnesses/jw.htm.
To me it seems very convenient that they can delete these posts under mere suspicion.
This topic has been discussed and discussed and argued and debated, sometimes quite heatedly here. It's tiring to some.
I can't speak to the specific circumstances, but Simon et al., reserve the right to censor/edit/delete whatever they deem necessary to keep this forum running smoothly and to keep certain riff-raff out.
Do You Think "God" Cares For You At All?
by minimus indo you have any relationship with god at all?
do you believe god cares about you?
Well, it would depend entirely upon the characteristics I choose to place upon "God" now, doesn't it?
Harry Potter and the exasperated mum........help
by fifi40 inmy ex is a jw (as previously mentioned) and is against our son going to see the new movie, despite admitting that he has witness friends who will happily go and see it........oh and he also has witness friends that would dob their brother into the elders for going to see it.. i have just had a bit of a heated debate about it with him (our son is 14, nearly 15) and i just wondered if any of you have good sound reasoning for what is a 'matter of conscience' for these brainwashedd poo brains!!!!!.
help.........warlock can you just wave a magic wand or something............ a mother doing battle with the force...............a brain numbing, mind control force at that.
seriously folks though any gems you have would be greatly appreciated.
I think the important thing is that this does not hurt your son's conscience, not your own feelings about it.
If I place myself back in my old JW shoes, it becomes very obvious that the Harry Potter movies are not movies that so-called "True Christians" should go see. Hmmm, let's see... magic, and magic and even more magic!
Whether "so many other JWs are going to see it" is true or not, it's completely irrelevant. It's herd thinking. "Look! See! A lot of others are doing it!"
I hope you and your son enjoy the film.
by WTWizard inhow common it is to see this in the witnesses.
there are different definitions of nesters, but the one i am here using is children who are old enough where they should have left home, who are still permanently living with their parents.
i am also discounting those who, for lack of opportunity or for timing reasons are living with parents until other arrangements kick in.
Most worldly children leave home to go to college, and they do not go back once they are out.
I don't believe this statement to be entirely true. I read an article not too long ago which suggested that the number of college student who return back to the nest after graduation to be at an all-time high.
I suspect this to be a movement in our society as a whole rather than just the JWs. Although, the situation is certainly exacerbated by JW lack of secondary education.
I am trying to find the exact article I read. But in the meantime...: