The man was being insensitive to the rest of the passengers and the crew. I don't know that the guy should have been removed from the plane, but he was certainly in the wrong, regardless as to whether he was, as you say, reading a book or praying or anything else.
JoinedPosts by daystar
Kicked off a plane for praying! Or *was* it for that...?
by AlmostAtheist inthe headline reads: "praying passenger is removed from plane" i figured it was some poor shmuck whose religion requires him to babble or mumble or something and someone smelled "terrorist".
but no, he was a just praying, maybe even quietly.
the problem was, he was standing at the back of the plane prior to take off, he had begun a prayer, and apparently was unable to stop once he starts.
Guess Who's Getting Married...
by SixofNine innow guess when.. .
ok, the who is easy.
the when is not nailed down just yet.
Brigid and I found this news out through other methods, but I thought I'd drop in here and say:
Being afraid
by ex-nj-jw inwhen i was a little girl, i was very afraid of thunderstorms - every time we had one i thought it was armageadon (did i spell that right?)..
so what were you afraid of?
what made you think the "big a" was here?
I remember the Paradise book too. What horrid pictures.
I was afraid of thunderstorms too. I mean, what kid isn't? But we had the extra special bonus of associating it with worldwide annihilation. Joy!
No one mentioned tornados. I think I was more afraid of them in this context than I was of thunderstorms. I had terrible nightmares of tornados made of fire, forming lake of blood-red plasma wherever they moved, balls of firey rock raining from the skies...
Frosty's Tale
by darth frosty inwhat can i say born and raised in the cult.
believed it because it was presented to me in a very logical fashion.
my mother was baptized back in 1954, she studied with an anointed sister.
Your story hit home with me as I was also betrayed by one I thought my friend.
Thanks for sharing, Darth.
Of all the billions of planets - why did the demons get sent to Earth?
by truthseeker insome say it is fitting that the demons were hurled down to earth because the original serpent began his rebellion against god in the garden of eden.
yet, what happened is tantamount to unlocking every prison on earth and letting murderers, rapists and evildoers go free to terrorize humanity.
the angels were aware of the effects of the expulsion of the demons and their leader - "be glad you heavens and you who reside in them.
How can this situation be fair?
It's not. It's also not rational.
It's a control feature of certain religions. It's all, always, about control... Always the question to ask... Who benefits?
How about this? I honestly can't remember writing this. It sounds like me, but I must have been having a very good day. (I actually suspect I grabbed it from somewhere.)
1.) Epistemological Nihilism: there is no knowledge. Ironically, this is the branch of nihilism which contains the fewest members, although it is also the branch most observers first think of and use to lable all nihilists.
2.) Cosmic Nihilism: there is some knowledge, but it is unimportant. The Earth is just a grain of sand in the oceanic universe. It is of no consequence, and even more so with the life forms which inhabit said sand grain.
3.) Existential Nihilism: there is some knowledge, but it is meaningless. Even if nothing existed outside of our planet, all knowledge would still be completely meaningless. More over, everything is meaningless: beliefs, relationships, pleasure, etc...
4.) Moral Nihilism: there is no right or wrong. Humans are just another species of animals. Animals have no morals, so humans have no morals. We may invent our own moral systems, but there is nothing intrinsic in man that is moral. Man is a part of a nature which is completely value-indifferent. All's fair in love, war, and... everything.
5.) Political Nihilism: there is no "good" political system. Man is brought into this world free of political systems, and that is how it should stay. Political systems are "unnatural."
Those are the nihilistic beliefs. There are two types of behavioral responses to those beliefs.
a.) Passive Nihilism: because of ones nihilistic beliefs, the only rational thing for one to do is nothing. Basically, live completely lonely, apathetically, and depressed, and eventually commit suicide.
b.) Active Nihilism, believe in nothing, act accordingly and show it. Give no thought to authority and convention when acting, follow whatever random whims. Act like as if contradicting yourself, because when you believe in nothing there is no contradiction (i.e., believing that no action is better than another but still choosing certain actions over others).
Given that, I think a better question than, "Is nihilism stupid?" would be ,"is nihilism rational?" This question should be answerable to all except the epistemological nihilist. But I guess what I'm really getting at is the relationship between belief and action; namely, the relationship between any particular nihilistic belief and the resulting active or passive nihilism.
Adam & Eve question...
by tan inmy young daughter asked this question regarding adam & eve:.
if they were perfect, why did they need to eat from the tree of good and bad anyway?.
we eat to nourish our bodies, we eat to replenish, we eat for energy....they were perfect and would not need those things.. from the mouth of babes.... what's your thoughts....
Well... we were taught that they wanted to be like God, no? That is what Genesis says, right?
Where dips the rocky highland
Of Sleuth Wood in the Lake,
There lies a leafy island
Where flapping herons wake
The drowsy water-rats
There we've hid our faery vats,
Full of berries
And of reddest stolen cherries.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understandWhere the wave of moonlight glosses
The dim grey sands with light
Far off by furthest rosses
We foot it all the night,
Weaving olden dances,
Mingling hands and mingling glances
Till the moon has taken flight,
To and fro we leap
And chase the frothy bubbles,
While the world is full of troubles
And is anxious in its sleep
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understandWhere the wandering water gushes
From the hills above Glen-Car,
In pools among the rushes
That scarce could bathe a star,
We seek for slumbering trout
And whispering in their ears
Give them unquiet dreams,
Leaning softly out
From ferns that drop their tears
Over the young streams
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understandAway with us he's going,
The solemn-eyed
He'll hear no more the lowing
Of the calves on the warm hillside
Or the kettle on the hob
Sing peace into his breast
Or see the brown mice bob
Round and round the oatmeal chest
For he comes, the human child
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
From a world more full of weeping than he can understand--W.B. Yeats, 1889
do i go with my gut instinct???(long, im sorry, but i need help)
by theinfamousone inso, simply put, i am in love... and love makes a man do some really stupid things.... love makes a pretty damn intelligent man feel pretty damn stupid quite often as well... so here's my story... i have been dating this girl for almost a year now... she is beautiful, sweet, and really just everything i imagined in a life mate... she lives with me... she doesnt work, while i do full time, and also go to school... i make very good money, so that does not bother me... but heres where it all begins... a few months ago, she went to cuba with her sisters, and imoved her into my place while she was gone, her idea, not mine.. now we keep our condoms in a certain place.... anyways, her box of condoms was gone, with her... when she comes back, our little box of condoms is empty.... instead of asking her about it, i explained it to myself as she must have given them to her sister.... .
while i am gone at work, i usually give her a call on my breaks... i notice that she never answers the phone between 6-8 pm.. home or cell... her explanation is that she is always in the shower... the problem with that is that she is always coming out of the shower when i get home.... i get home at around nine... so either she is taking a 3 hour shower or she is taking two showers a night..... she disappears off the face of the earth everytime she goes home to visit her family... like shes not home, shes not answering her phone and only ever calls me when she is in her car....her explanation is that she is at a cousins house.. conveniently, one that i do not know..... last night she went to a wedding... it was over at 11, i know this because she had told me, nd a friend of mine tht was there said that it ended then,,, it was a dry wedding, no dancing... very religious people... i was supposed to meet her at 130 today, i got to the train station that she was coming to, 15 minutes early and waited over an hour there... finally as i decied to walk back home, she gives me a call... i will be home at 5, meet me at the train.... of course, i have been calling her since last night at 11 to tell her i would meet her at 130 as she had planned... i made brunch for her, which is now in the garbage... i was scared shitless she had been hit by a car or dead since her phone has been off since last night.... i asked her why she is so late, i was helping move things until 3am last night... bull shit.. all the gifts were given prior to the weding and the bride and groom had already moved into their new place.... i know because she has told me in the past.....her phone was dead according to her... but all of the sudden, she is able to use it.... no charger, but she can use it..... i did confront her once, and she exploded on me!!!!
like screamed and screamed and said she was insulted i even asked... textbook defensive behaviour right????.
I might suggest that the next time she makes one of these excursions that you insist that you go with her. One of two things might happen:
- She is outraged that you insist on going with her. She utterly and vehemently refuses, makes all sorts of rationales as to why she must go alone, or at least, not with you.
- She allows you to go, but strange things happen. The people act weirdly around you. And she may even leave you there for an extended period of time, uncomfortable and alone. Or, she stays, but you see her acting overly friendly with some guy "friend" and leaves you in a corner alone.
But, dude, she went to Cuba with her sister, took your box of condoms, without even so much as mentioning it to you, and returns, with the empty box!! What juevos! If her sister needed condoms... why did her sister not, you know, buy some condoms herself. Why would your girlfriend take yours?
I'm sorry, but I suspect she's taking you for a ride and seriously disrespecting you on the way.
It could be innocent, but doubtful. In either case, you need to confront her about it, calmly. If she has something to hide, expect her to become outraged. If it is innocent, her conscience will be clean and she will simply explain. She won't stutter. Watch her body language.
Happy Memorial Blow-Off!
by nvrgnbk inare you trying to give nvr a run for his money when it comes to bizzar topics?.
no nvr, that wasn't a challenge.....ok, maybe it was.. .
this is one celebration i look forward to even more than christmas.. the world in general has christmas, and that's fun.. but only ex-jws have non-attendance of the memorial to celebrate.
I guess I don't have quite the same view, even now, of the JW Memorial as some of the rest of you do.
Sure, it's ludicrous to disallow true participation in the event. If I were to, somehow, attend one now, I would feel compelled to partake.
I guess I perhaps more than anything feel sad that the WBTS, GB, etc. sideline even their own constituents in this, their primary and arguably only, ritual celebration. As if the gift their messiah provided of redemption was reserved only for some elite cadre, even within their own.