lol well i never was crazy about recieving it ..but yes im not going to lie i hate giving it!lol more reason for me to join the jw lol..but my soon to be husband will freak out when he hears this ..dont know if he will still wanna marry me
JoinedPosts by Daisy21
how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?
by Daisy21 inhi every body...i grew up beleiveing in the jw mother studied off and on.. due to problems in the family she never got baptized...but she allways beleived in it and so do i..but recently i decided that i want to start studying again..and this time serioulsy b/c before i was a kid now im grown..but for the past 10 or more years ive been sinning..i had a baby without being married ...and i used to smoke marijuana alot!
but i stopped ...but i still do smoke ciggarrettes im trying to stop but its hard to quit cold turkey!
my ?for jw please i will take advice from others but i really dont want to b/c i really want to study and eventually get baptized...anyway my ?
how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?
by Daisy21 inhi every body...i grew up beleiveing in the jw mother studied off and on.. due to problems in the family she never got baptized...but she allways beleived in it and so do i..but recently i decided that i want to start studying again..and this time serioulsy b/c before i was a kid now im grown..but for the past 10 or more years ive been sinning..i had a baby without being married ...and i used to smoke marijuana alot!
but i stopped ...but i still do smoke ciggarrettes im trying to stop but its hard to quit cold turkey!
my ?for jw please i will take advice from others but i really dont want to b/c i really want to study and eventually get baptized...anyway my ?
lollll well honeslty i never liked it! my husband will be very disapointed though lol
how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?
by Daisy21 inhi every body...i grew up beleiveing in the jw mother studied off and on.. due to problems in the family she never got baptized...but she allways beleived in it and so do i..but recently i decided that i want to start studying again..and this time serioulsy b/c before i was a kid now im grown..but for the past 10 or more years ive been sinning..i had a baby without being married ...and i used to smoke marijuana alot!
but i stopped ...but i still do smoke ciggarrettes im trying to stop but its hard to quit cold turkey!
my ?for jw please i will take advice from others but i really dont want to b/c i really want to study and eventually get baptized...anyway my ?
oral sex is wrong even if your married?
Give me the short JW version of: The end of the world 101
by Check_Your_Premises inso what is the jw version of the events that will take place in "the last days".
here is how i understand the jw version of things.. 1. beginning of last days.
christ returns (1874, then 1914) (we are still here right?).
yes i do..and who says i will agree with everything they teach me..i beleive in jehovah god 100% bottom line if wittneses suddenly stopped beleiving in him and in something else i would stand alone!
how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?
by Daisy21 inhi every body...i grew up beleiveing in the jw mother studied off and on.. due to problems in the family she never got baptized...but she allways beleived in it and so do i..but recently i decided that i want to start studying again..and this time serioulsy b/c before i was a kid now im grown..but for the past 10 or more years ive been sinning..i had a baby without being married ...and i used to smoke marijuana alot!
but i stopped ...but i still do smoke ciggarrettes im trying to stop but its hard to quit cold turkey!
my ?for jw please i will take advice from others but i really dont want to b/c i really want to study and eventually get baptized...anyway my ?
ok i knew about the praying part and the field service..but talks?in front of everyone?lolim kinda shy and it wouldnt bother me if they knew about my past mistakes b/c thats what it is the past!
Give me the short JW version of: The end of the world 101
by Check_Your_Premises inso what is the jw version of the events that will take place in "the last days".
here is how i understand the jw version of things.. 1. beginning of last days.
christ returns (1874, then 1914) (we are still here right?).
no im not saying in any way that jws dont sin..everyone does but i have seen with my own eys more devotion towards god in the jw religoen than in others i mean the main ones not 3000 + lol i know thers alot of religeons out point is i have went to other churches and right after they r cursing and fornicating and just making a joke of god i also know their are some wittneses that do the same but to me no where near as much!but i also beleive god is the one who will judge us..and no not every wittness is good he knows that already b/c he knows everything!
how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?
by Daisy21 inhi every body...i grew up beleiveing in the jw mother studied off and on.. due to problems in the family she never got baptized...but she allways beleived in it and so do i..but recently i decided that i want to start studying again..and this time serioulsy b/c before i was a kid now im grown..but for the past 10 or more years ive been sinning..i had a baby without being married ...and i used to smoke marijuana alot!
but i stopped ...but i still do smoke ciggarrettes im trying to stop but its hard to quit cold turkey!
my ?for jw please i will take advice from others but i really dont want to b/c i really want to study and eventually get baptized...anyway my ?
ok woe! what do u mean confessing about what goes on in the bedroom?lol and the blood thing yea i know about about that.. and i do beleive in it ..ok it has saved alot of lives yes but also it has ruined lives waht about alot of transfusions that had diseases in them? them people were not saved!now they test it alot more yes but people have died from them too...
how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?
by Daisy21 inhi every body...i grew up beleiveing in the jw mother studied off and on.. due to problems in the family she never got baptized...but she allways beleived in it and so do i..but recently i decided that i want to start studying again..and this time serioulsy b/c before i was a kid now im grown..but for the past 10 or more years ive been sinning..i had a baby without being married ...and i used to smoke marijuana alot!
but i stopped ...but i still do smoke ciggarrettes im trying to stop but its hard to quit cold turkey!
my ?for jw please i will take advice from others but i really dont want to b/c i really want to study and eventually get baptized...anyway my ?
ummm ok...well i didnt know that almost everyone is xjw..i thaught most were wittneses...well i dont what to say about your message...b/c i do beleive in it..and i know there are alot of xjws mainly b/c the religeon is so strict..but if u read the bible which i am ..god sounds pretty strict to me lol and their thoeries on ever lasting life are great ...listen i know x wittneses but most that i know left for specific reasons mainly in there family or just their way of living life...but most of the ones i know still do beleive in it...its just too strict for them at the ty for replying but im sorry im starting my studies very soon..and i feel i no way that its like a cult
how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?
by Daisy21 inhi every body...i grew up beleiveing in the jw mother studied off and on.. due to problems in the family she never got baptized...but she allways beleived in it and so do i..but recently i decided that i want to start studying again..and this time serioulsy b/c before i was a kid now im grown..but for the past 10 or more years ive been sinning..i had a baby without being married ...and i used to smoke marijuana alot!
but i stopped ...but i still do smoke ciggarrettes im trying to stop but its hard to quit cold turkey!
my ?for jw please i will take advice from others but i really dont want to b/c i really want to study and eventually get baptized...anyway my ?
wow ty for your positive advice i feel alot better!
how do people repent before they start studying or get baptized?
by Daisy21 inhi every body...i grew up beleiveing in the jw mother studied off and on.. due to problems in the family she never got baptized...but she allways beleived in it and so do i..but recently i decided that i want to start studying again..and this time serioulsy b/c before i was a kid now im grown..but for the past 10 or more years ive been sinning..i had a baby without being married ...and i used to smoke marijuana alot!
but i stopped ...but i still do smoke ciggarrettes im trying to stop but its hard to quit cold turkey!
my ?for jw please i will take advice from others but i really dont want to b/c i really want to study and eventually get baptized...anyway my ?
lol but wouldnt god know? wow i havnt started studying yet and when i did i was like 12...but who are the elders?lol people from the kingdom hall that been there for a long time or just the old people of the congregation?