Jeffro, ok, thanks. I guess I hadn`t learned enough about the Societys juggling with numbers, tablets and dates. So basically, they dismiss the astronomical tablet for 568/67 but accept the one for 522. The arbitrariness in that should be evident to everyone, even Scholar himself. And I guess they don`t even care that these two tablets confirm eachother, and confirm the chronology that Scholar wants to dismiss.
But Scholar: Don`t you see that even though you have the tablet for 522, you still have to rely on Babylonian chronology, and the lengths of reigns set by the secular chronology?Yes, the tablet for 522 gets you back to Cambysses II first year in 529, but no further than that! It is this secular chronology that sets the reign of Cyrus II to be from 539 (accession year) to 530. This means that the tablet for 522 in itself doesn`t set the date for the fall of Babylon to have occured in 539 BC! - this date is still set by the entirety of the secular chronology, which sets the length of Cyrus IIs reign to have lasted 9 years! The date 539 still relies on the chronology that is established by using both the 522-tablet and the 568/7 -tablet, as well as the tablets that established the length of reigns of the kings! You want to dismiss the chronology that sets the length of reigns, ok. What if secular chronology suddenly decided "holy moly, we made a mistake, Nabonidus reign lasted 4 years longer than we thought, setting the fall of Babylon to 535, and Cyrus II only reigned from 535 to 530". That wouldn`t be so cool, would it, celebrated scholar jw? So whether you like it or not, the Society have to rely on secular chronology, the same chronology that they so eagerly dismiss, when it suits them. You have no case, celebrated scholar jw. Both you and the celebrated watchtower-scholars of the Watchtower Society suck!