JoinedTopics Started by Hellrider
Need the english titles of some old Watchtower-books...
by Hellrider ini`m helping a friend with a book project (translating his book from danish to english), and i need the correct titles of some jw-books that are not on the cd-rom (cause they`re too old, i think).
i don`t know the exact titles, but as i translate the titles from the danish titles, they must be something like this: .
thy will be done on earth (the danish issue was published in 1961).
Looking for quote,Millenial Dawn-The Time is at Hand
by Hellrider ini`m helping a friend translate a book (from danish to english), and we desperately need help finding a quote from "millenial dawn 2-the time is at hand".
the passage reads, in "studies in the scriptures", volume 2 ("the time is at hand"), chapter 5, last column, under the heading:.
"connecting the prophetic chain.
Insanely amazing guitarist, check out this!
by Hellrider inok, it doesn`t get any better than this.
check out this guy!
News case in Norway
by Hellrider inthere`s a controversial news case in norway right now.
in the last few weeks, there has been several rapes in the capitol, oslo (a serial rapist).
in that conjunction, a female artist went out live, on radio, and surprised everyone (including the radio host) by claiming that she had been attempted raped by two famous norwegians, one pop-musician and a movie maker (both of whom are friends of the royal family, lol).
My buddys music myspace: Check it out
by Hellrider ina friend of mine is starting to be serious about his music.
if you like chris isaak, morissey etc, check it out, its frikkin beatiful now!
About early christianity: Good link!
by Hellrider ini found a good text online, about early christianity: .
...the text has nothing to do with islam at all, but it is published on a web-page that tries to reach out to moslems...(never mind that, it`s not important).
Check out this awesome guitarist!
by Hellrider inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qja5fazf1a8.
it`s a classical piece arranged for electric guitar (pachelbels canon).
it`s one of the best guitar-performances i`ve ever seen.
Why call it "Jehovahs day" or "Jehovahs judgement?
by Hellrider injohn 5:21 for just as the father raises the dead and gives them life, so also the son gives life to whomever he wishes.
5:22 furthermore, the father does not judge anyone, but has assigned all judgment to the son,5:23 so that all people will honor the son just as they honor the father.
the one who does not honor the son does not honor the father who sent him.. so the son is the one who will actually do the judging, right?
Revelation 1.17 Jesus divinity? Or just "the first" raised from the dead"?
by Hellrider ini have been having an argument in this thread, which originally was about the trinity (oh no, not again.... http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/121719/1.ashx.
...with mondo1, about what the text in revelation 1.17 means.
i don`t want this thread to turn into another trinity-thread, let`s just keep it to the phrase "the first and the last", and revelation, and jesus` status in this text.