At the University of Oslo, Norway, there is a professor, who is also a JW. He DOES NOT even have a degree in history, he is a professor in semittic languages, still he has now published a book (in norwegian and english, and it`s going to be translated into lots of other languages also): which he is "challenging" the accepted view of Babylonian chronology. This is done in attempt to discredit serious historians, and spread doubts about their work on Babylonian chronology. The whole purpose of this is of course to make the 607bc-date more plausible. The unfortunate part of this, is that he nowhere reveals that he is a JW, and it`s not even common knowledge in the academic environment, and there is a danger that some will see his book and work as "real" scientific work. This is one of the reasons for me posting this: People must be aware, if they come across this book, that the author is a JW, with a clear "religious-political" agenda! It sickens me that he is allowed to do this, though, I don`t know if he has been given state funds, but he probably has. This is what happens when science goes bad!