You can twist statistics all you want to try to support you view. The fact is that Jesus said that there would be great earthquakes in one place after another. There are. And the earthquakes since 1914 have killed more people on average per year than before 1914, a lot more.Jesus was right. JWs are right.
You are the one that has been twisting statistcs. I and the others have tried to show the proper way to read them. Alan F showed you in his previous post how there were almost exactly the same numbers of death in the 18th and 19th century, as in the 20th century. As we are all learning to know you, I will assume that you are just going to ignore that, like you do with all arguments and even statistics that doesn`t suit your beliefs. But more importantly:
Again you are trying to make this a case between jws and jesus vs. "the apostates" and the rest of the world. Let me tell you something: You don`t have a monopoly on Jesus! Jesus isn`t the one that said that he would return invisibly in 1914 to inspect the churches bla bla bla, and then choose the WTS cause they had the dorrect interpretations of the Bible (interpretations, that by the way were extremely different from the interpretations they have today!!! - so how the fu#k could he "choose them" I wonder!!). Jesus never said this! Could you show me where in the Bible he says this? I have read it, and I can tell you that he never said any such things. When we "apostates" say that there are no more earthquakes, or statistically more deaths due to earthquakes than what is normal and has been normal and stabile for centuries, then we are not saying that Jesus lied or was wrong, or anything like that. Any (sane) christian person would take the statistics seriously, and then say "hm...looks like the end times aren`t happening right now, that`s for sure...then all of that lies in the future, along with the end of the world, the second coming (yes, second, not third!), and the thousand-year reign...". It`s not a matter of jesus and the jws vs the apostates. It`s a matter of looking at the world, investigating it, and draw the correct conclusions. Just because you want this to be the end times, doesn`t mean that they are. When looking at earthquake-statistics, clearly, the end times are in the future. Now, if we start having 200 000 deaths-quakes once or twice a year, instead of once every 30 years (which is normal, look at the stats for the 19th and 18th century), then we start talking about end times. Not before. And by the way, when reading the Gospels, I can`t see any comparison at all between Jesus and the Jehovahs Witnesses. Jesus sat down to eat and drink with whores and other outcasts. The pharisees and "righteous jews" were outraged, much in the same manner as when I started doing that. Jesus praised the samaritan for helping him when he was down and out. I have never seen any jw help someone when they were down and out. In fact, in field service with my mom and another "sister" once, we walked by some drunk/high woman passed out on the street. Mom and the "sister" just frowned and walked on. And I don`t think any jw I ever knew would have done anything other than just that. That`s right, Thirdwitness. Just walk on.