My brother was a "Bethelite", the only witness that supported him was me! Sometimes my Mother sent him $$$, but I was married at the time and my ex and I had a gasoline service station....where by the way all of the witnesses knew to come to get their cars fixed because even to he wasn't a witness, my ex would fix their cars and let them pay later....and run a tab for their gas. I digress....we sent my brother $$$$ because if we didn't he wouldn't have been able to survive. He traveled 3 hours (round trip) to each and every meeting and for field service and worked long days in the factory...they did away with side jobs (working for a few $$$$ for extras) and one brother was mugged on the way home from a meeting....his arm was severely broken and the brother's biggest worry was they were going to send him back to his parents farm and let them take care of him.....they did!
When I pioneered, I supported myself....and helped the other pioneers out late father always supported my mother. Come to think of it he still does....she still collects 2/3 of his sizable pension and SS on his about working the system!