I remember in the late 1950's and on up until the late 1960's it seemed like
our congregations were tight. By tight I mean we were close. I don't remember
any cliques or factions. Maybe I was too young or oblivious to any particular
groups of people. We played softball 2 or 3 times a month on Sunday evenings.
I mean not just the younger people but entire families of all ages, men women
and children on each team. Even non-JW spouses played at times and we had
fun. Then in the very early '70's it all seemed to change. Everything got serious.
Picnics and ball games are very rare. A few younger ones get together sometime
and play basketball but you have to be in the know to even hear about it. The
congregation I was recently in for 40 plus years always seemed to have a power
struggle for most prominent elder. Twenty years ago nobody wanted the Presiding
Overseer spot. Then younger elders moved in and they seemed to want it real
bad. I can see an Elder wanting to step up and make a difference and I know
that's the way it should be but we had several PO's come and go that were a
total detriment to the congregation. One of them would always say " I did this
or I did that". Every other sentence started with I did something. Some of the
brothers wanted to tell the Circuit Overseer that he was dragging the congre-
gation down. He was an unapproachable self absorbed A Type personality.
His wife divorced him and he moved to another town but still in our circuit. She
is still in our congregation but the damage he caused was tremendous. I saw
him at the assembly yesterday because I caved and went because my wife
was about to cry because she was going by herself. I did want to hear the
baptism talk ending where they ask the 2 questions. This was one thing that
hit me like a brick several years ago. Do recognize that you will be identified
with the spirit directed organisation or something to that effect. I was baptised
in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When did this change I thought.
Well I found out it changed a good while back and it just went over my head.
Previous literature stated you never get baptised to an organization or person.
Nathan Knorr stated you never get baptised to an organization or person. When
the overlapping generation came after the previous generations explanations,
it was time for me to get real. I thought who really knows the exact meaning of
generation as Jesus spoke it. He knew what he meant but his own diciples
and apostles had trouble understanding some things. How could anyone or the
WTBTS know what was in his mind. Is it that important to me at this point in
time to know exactly what he meant? Maybe yes, maybe no. Why couldn't
the WTBTS say in 1995 when another generation explanation was required
just say " hey brothers and sisters we don't know what he was thinking so
we have no way of knowing". I would have been fine with that but NO that
wasn't going to be." We say it's overlapping generations so there. Deal with it.
Believe as we say no matter how ridiculous and keep your opinions to your-
self. Here have some Kool-Aid." Enough venting for now.