I don't like gift registries because I am an old fashioned person. I just don't believe that any mention of a gift should be made because it implies that the inviter was expecting a gift. I know that gift registries are popular and becoming very acceptable. Yet, there are many things that are becoming popular and acceptable in this day and age that I will never agree with or be comfortable with.
I also understand that gift registries make everything easier for the person buying the gift. I believe that if you don't know someone well enough to be able to choose a gift that they would like, then you can always give money. In fact, if you don't know a person enough to select an appropriate gift for them, why would you be invited to the wedding in the first place? I guess I am not all for the 300+ wedding guests list where the happy couple hardly knows 30% of their guests. I have been invited to weddings by people I barely know with a reference to their gift registry. I cringe. I would NEVER want people I barely speak to during the year to feel pressured to buy me a gift that I SELECTED from the store that I CHOOSE. The job of the wedding couple is not to make gift giving "easier" for their guests. No, that is not their job because nobody should be expecting gifts to begin with. Instead, the wedding couple's job is to make sure that the guests attending the wedding are comfortable and have a nice time. Most people, including myself, will always bring a gift or money in a card. I always give money because that is what I find to be "easier". I don't need the bride telling me (through a registry) how to make my gift giving "easier". I can figure that out myself. If the bride/groom wants certain gifts at certain stores, then they can take the money I give them (under no pressure) and go shopping after the wedding. This is simple, and it doesn't rub some people the wrong way, like gift registries do.