Here is a link with photos concerning "Soda Lake"
JoinedPosts by chasson
Russell Gold Mine and "The history of the society from 1910 to 1920
by chasson inin 2002, i had seen an auction on ebay concerning few documents on charles taze russell owning a gold mine in 1916. i had saved the webpage, and believing that it was a knowned issue i didn't care more about it.. .
few years after, i remembered it, and found nothing about it on the internet, and because i have changed several times my hard drive, i have lost the saved webpage too.. .
on this page: a contributor explain:.
Russell Gold Mine and "The history of the society from 1910 to 1920
by chasson inin 2002, i had seen an auction on ebay concerning few documents on charles taze russell owning a gold mine in 1916. i had saved the webpage, and believing that it was a knowned issue i didn't care more about it.. .
few years after, i remembered it, and found nothing about it on the internet, and because i have changed several times my hard drive, i have lost the saved webpage too.. .
on this page: a contributor explain:.
In 2002, i had seen an auction on ebay concerning few documents on Charles Taze Russell owning a gold mine in 1916. I had saved the webpage, and believing that it was a knowned issue i didn't care more about it.
Few years after, i remembered it, and found nothing about it on the internet, and because i have changed several times my hard drive, i have lost the saved webpage too.
On this page: a contributor explain:
"In October 1916 Pastor Charles Taze Russell left New York on a journey from which he never returned alive. According to A. H. Macmillan one of the reasons Pastor Russell made his final journey out west was to inspect a rich gold mine. In a lecture titled: THE HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY FROM 1910 TO 1920, Macmillan says:“Then he began going into details about how the work was to be carried on. How he was going away to California on a trip (from which he never returned alive). Some brothers developed the idea that they could dig up millions of dollars down in the southern part of Nevada at a place called Soda Lake. They had rich deposits of gold, mercury and quicksilver and they wanted Brother Russell to come out and look it over.”
What became of this mine with vast stores of gold from which Russell could finance his publishing empire? Or were these “brothers” actually con men who planned to fleece the Pastor in a bogus investment scheme?"has someone the text of this lecture of MacMillan ? Barbara or others, have you some information concerning this "lost gold mine" ?
Who knows the "The Pastor Russell Lecture Bureau" ?
by chasson inconcerning the early work in china, m. schulz has found something interesting:.
"working through the pastor russell lecture bureau, something called the bible study club was organized and a paper entitled bible study was published".
from "the chinese recorder", august 1913 he has quoted:.
Concerning the early work in China, M. Schulz has found something interesting:
"Working through the Pastor Russell Lecture Bureau, something called The Bible Study Club was organized and a paper entitled Bible Study was published"
From "The Chinese Recorder", August 1913 he has quoted:
"The Continent, a Presbyterian journal noted for opposing Russell and The Watch Tower sent someone to visit the Bible Study Club offices located in the Metropolitan Building in New York City. The magazine reported:
The office to which Mr. Noble invited correspondents to write is occupied by a business concern of an entirely different character, which reports that “Mr. Noble” simply receives mail at that address. This firm disclaims all connection with him. On a corner of the glass in the door is the revealing line, “Pastor Russell Lecture Bureau.”" -
"consecrating the children to God" in 1922
by chasson ina curious practice i have never known in a convention: (wt 1922/07/15 p. 213).
"on sunday morning brother rutherford conducted a question meeting, following which there was a consecration of children.
a great many children were on this occasion publicly presented by their parents to the lord.
A curious practice i have never known in a convention: (Wt 1922/07/15 p. 213)
"On Sunday morning Brother Rutherford conducted a question meeting, following which there was a consecration of children. A great many children were on this occasion publicly presented by their parents to the Lord. it was an impressive and interesting service. At this service the speaker said in part:
There is nothing dearer on earth than a child. The Lord showed his great love for children, and it is reasonable that his followers would be likewise much interested in the little ones. A person who does not love a child seems to he quite out of the usual. There is something lacking in that person womewhere, particularly if he claims to be a Christian. If we love chidren generally with stronger reasoning should we loce the children, of the connsecrated. The apostle Paul speaks of this special relationship to the Lord because of the consecration of their parents. We should take a special interest in such children.
The King is now present, and his kingdom is beginning. Many of the children now living will never die. What a wonderful prospect before them! And about this, they should be informed, if properly instructed and started on the right course they may readily pass over the highway of holiness. The responsiblity of properly teaching children cannot be overstated. The privilege of starting a child aright is a blessed one. "Train up a child in the way he should go; and . . . he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22: 6) There never was an important time to train children in the right way as now.
Some of the brethen from time to time have criticized their brethen for bringing children into the world, and from these words of criticism some have been much discouraged. We believe that this is not the proper course. While the’ chief purpose of each consecrated one is to glorify the Lord and to make his own calling and election sure, yet the bearing of children by the consecrated is not an improper thing."
Few lines after it is stated:
"Those expecting to be of the church class do not expect to be long with their children in the flesh. Happy, then, is the thought that they can start the child aright rhere. The most reasonable thing, then, is to consecrate the child to the Lord."
So it seems that the consecration of the children was a kind of protection of childs would let be alone on earth, while their parents would soon go to heaven. It was a criticism of the Russell's teaching and practice. Russell had no sexual relationship with Maria, and was not concerned by children. (I am interested in reference in his teaching where he had clearly stated that making children is a waste of time.)
Who knows the "Kinemo Kit Corporation"
by chasson infrom the wt of october 1, 1921 p. 303:.
was made concerning the makfng of certain film to be exhibited.
From the WT of October 1, 1921 p. 303:
was made concerning the makfng of certain film to be exhibited
on a miniature projecting machine suitable for use in
parlors of homes, small hal~ and., schoolhouses, in connection wlth
teaching the truth. Following that Brother Driscoll and Brother
Rutherford visited Europe, Egypt and Paleatine and made ~ m/mLben,
of films. Films have also been m~de ef the Imperial Valley
(Califorma). These pictures have been exhibited on standard
projectLng machines at a number of places, namely, Okla~yma
City, Boston, Detroit, Buffalo, and some other places, and manF
of the friends have expressed ti~n~elvm enthusiastically in favor
of them.
As heretofore announced, the Society cannot engage in the manufacturing
busin~s ; hence the manufacture and male of the pro-
Jarring machines and the film must be done by a separate corporation.
Brother Drtscoll is the manager of the ~in~no. Kit
Corporation and ha~ put forth Iris best end~vorw, together witi~
others who have assisted him, to produce films and a. pr~ectl~l~
m~wbtn0 that would he u~eful, in teaehin~ the me.age of present
truth. While the Society cannot engage in the manufacture and
male a~ above mentioned, yet It is the desire of the Society that
every possible means for teaching the truth be employed.
The Imperial Valley film is produced for tl~ purpose of showing
fulfillment of prophecy in the reclamation of the desert land and
interesting pooplain the truths concerning rsstitution. The flTm~
made in Palestine more particularly relate to the return of the
2ew~ to that land and the rebuilding of Palestine, whlIe those
m~le in Egypt have reference to the Great Pyramid and the Iessous
it teaches, The general subject matter, of course, has the
endorsement of the Society ; and the effort of the Kinemo Kit
Corporation to produce a satisfactory picture has the endorsement
of the Society.
From this time forward" the Klnemo Kit Corporation will assume
all responelbflity of production, handling, eale and distribution
of the maehtn~ aud film. The price, as we are Informed
by the Kinemo Kit Corporation, will be announced in the near
fuimre. All o~dea~ r~cel.ved harotofere by the Se~let~, will be
tmmmltt~t to tl~ Kimm~. if_it. Corporaflo~ for filling. ]~alm~
or~Iera sheriff be sent direct to the Ktnem~ Kit Corpor~tiozv at
1342 Gordon St, r~os Angeles, California,
The Kinemo Kit Corporation will continue to produce film from
time to time for the purpose of teaching the message of present
truth and which will I~ mmllabl~ fo~ mm up~m the machines it
will manufacture for male. The price of the future film will be
regulated according to the ~ of the story and will be duly
~’naunced, by that company from time to time." -
Rutherford Exposed: The Story of Berta and Bonnie
by Farkel init was made by a women who in later years wore crotchless panties and bras which had holes in the nipple areas.
he not only knew the woman in question (she's now deceased), he has met her numerous times.
up until recently this secret of her year's long sexual affair with rutherford was kept by the family.
Thanks Farkel for your insight, but is it possible to have an external proof rather the testimonies of insider. If on these passanger's records you can see the number of the cabin of Rutherford, you can corroborate what "apostate" have said concerning the use of the "first class affair" of the officer of the Watchtower.
Rutherford Exposed: The Story of Berta and Bonnie
by Farkel init was made by a women who in later years wore crotchless panties and bras which had holes in the nipple areas.
he not only knew the woman in question (she's now deceased), he has met her numerous times.
up until recently this secret of her year's long sexual affair with rutherford was kept by the family.
Just a question to Leo, is it possible by the passenger records to see in which part of the boat, Rutherford had his cabin. Was he in first, second, third or 'Tourist' class ?
Watchtower reprint 1879-1890 not research applications
by bereanbiblestudent inhere you can find the reprint volumes 1879 till 1890 in a smaller filesize then the ones sold by research applications.
they are bookmarked and searchable.
Some years are missing. Nevertheless, thanks for this hard work.
Consolation on Demand
by chasson ini have a lot of consolation magazines that i could scan.. if you want a particular issue for research, tell me and i will scan it, and you can tell to the board more what are your research, so everybody will have more insight.. .
here is one of this magazine concerning the madison square garden incident.
this incident is connected with the olyn moyle's trial and it is interessant to see the vision of rutherford concerning this.. he tried in this magazine to excuse the usher, because what he said on stage was "the word of jehovah", so nobody must stop the "spreading of the word of god".
Informant December, 1943 (searchable)