But aren't we all. I thought this would be kind of fun to do is list some of the offenses that I have committed according to witness beliefs. I thought it might be mildly amusing considering the lack of emphasis that any of these things are wrong according to the majority of the population. I'll limit myself to ten. Please feel free to share yours.
1.I left state and congregation at 18 and lived with a male roomie, we did not "sleep together", but split the bills.
2.I have gone into casinos, and gambled, and won.
3.I have never dated a witness boy, even when attempting to be a witness I found them dull.
4.I have smoked cigarettes, and found I like an occasional clove.
5.I have had houseguests of the opposite and same sex, none of whom were married, sleeping over at the same time.
6.I lost my keys rolling down a hill while drunk.
7.I did not admit the actual number of individuals I have slept with to my jc.
8.I heavily edited the information given to my jc.
9.I married, then divorced a non witness, even though he would have stayed married to me had I wanted it.
10. I watched several R movies over at an elder's daughters house.
Feel free to add your "sins"