Witness Kids SUCK

by RichieRich 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    I just got home from a dub "party". It was very tame, seemed to be choreographed, and I was just shocked.

    For one thing, everyone there was my age or older. These people are young adults.

    Yet, it felt like the Jr. High dance. Very odd.

    The whole time, I just felt sad.

    Not Tsunami_Rid3r sad, but sad for these kids. They were just eating up their group prayer and talking about the new releases. I felt like vomting. These people are so deep in the hole, and still digging. I want to drop a rope down to them, but it just seems worthless.

    I really don't feel like this often. My mother called me, and I acted like there was a problem I had to go deal with, and I left. At 8:30. PM. On a saturday.

    Let me tell you, JWD is doing everyone a favor.

    These witnesses have some serious issues. From the outside looking in, its like watching people stand by the fence in a concentration camp.

    I'm so glad I can count down to freedom.

    Just had to get this out there

  • kwintestal

    I always wondered what happened at those JW parties. By 8:30pm I was always kicked out. Glad to know I didn't miss anything.


  • Elsewhere

    Yes... I noticed I would get a similar feeling when going to JW "gatherings"

  • luna2

    Aw, Richie, that has to be hard. I guess that's what happens when you're the only completely free mind in the room. Kind of like being the only sober person in a roomful of drunks. You can only get so much entertainment out of watching people act like jackasses...and then it's just kind of tragic and boring.

    Not too many more years until you won't have to put yourself through this stuff. That's some consolation anyhow.

  • frankiespeakin


    Yeah that must have been depressing. I know what those feeling can be like. I sure hope these kids have a better life and not governed by those old guys in brooklyn.

  • the_classicist
    Witness Kids SUCK

    From the title, I thought you meant something completely different.

    But yes, I never really found any kind of real socialization with the 'Dub kids. I only made real friendships with "worldly" kids and I'm better for it.

  • Generic Man
    Generic Man

    Yeah, its really bad for kids in the org. now days. Telling from recent posts and from the assembly drama, the society is really trying to keep a firm hold on the kids. As long as they salve for the org. the will be painful for them. Especially when education is discouraged and frowned down upon.

  • Dimples

    I remember when we would have book study and then have "goodie night" afterwards at a young couples house. I remember us younger ones waiting for the elders to leave so we could listen to music that they would not approve of and being able to talk and actually have some kind of fun. Thinking back it was so sad how we had to do things under cover to have any kind of fun. All the elders wanted to do was sing kingdom melodies...boring! I am so glad that I got out so that my kids could have a life.


  • confusedjw

    RR, show them a real party!

    Digital Camera + Naked + Plastic Light Saber = GOOD TIMES!

  • damselfly

    What sucks the most about JW parties is the smug look on the parent's faces "See how much fun are kids have being JW?"

    When we were young we would have our sleepovers at a friends house, and then her brother would have his friends over at his Grandma's house next door. We had fun parties as long as we didn't invite any elder's kids. Everyone would end up sleeping on the floor together. We did at one point go camping with some witness families, had our "worldy" boyfriends stay at a different campsite and agree to stay out of sight in the day. It was fun for the week, until yes, you guessed it an elder's daughter spotted them. Oh well! It was fun while it lasted.


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