JoinedTopics Started by burnieschick
What are you in 3 words...........
by ScoobySnax in.
don't be bashful........ ok i'll start....... kind, worried, thoughtful.. your go.......
Can you see what it is?
by burnieschick in.
any ideas?.
Death In the Family, How do I handle this ??? HELP !!!
by run dont walk inmy mom (die hard witness), is not doing well, she called me for the first time in over 3 years on sunday, she probaly has a year or less left in her, we had a good chat, she cried alot and said how sorry she was, and that there might be something to the things i have said.
(wow i almost fell over).
and then today my grandma died at age 100 (witness for 75 years +).
Feeling a bit down?
by burnieschick inif you're feeling a bit down in the dumps, try watching these little gems....
http://www.angryalien.com/ .
or, if you've had a stressful day, try this (click on the horses)...
Pat Batemen here!
by gringojj in.
i am always waiting for a big spiel about how i can make 100 thousand dollars a month.
this guy sounds like straight out of a tv informercial.
How do you deal with "Anxiety"
by ScoobySnax inhave you ever had anxiety?
i don't mean general anxiety you get before an exam or an interview, i mean anxiety out of the blue that seems to hit you when you can be in a warm pleasant atmosphere.......a feeling like you just have to get up and go.
sometimes its terrifying, hyperventillating, can't get your breath, feel like everything is closing in around you.
It's Saturday night....what's everyone doing?
by burnieschick init's so quiet here tonight!!
where is everyone?
Do you secretly wish for a demon attack - serious question
by stillajwexelder in.
i am not trying to compete with fmz as he has a supernatural thread going already but - do you secretlyt wish for a demon attack - serious question - the reason i ask this is because - if i had a demon attack it would mean there was a satan the devil and if there was a satan it would mean there was god.
what i am trying to say in a nutshell is "a demon attack would actually strengthen my faith" where at the moment it is non-existent almost
Pigeons on my roof!
by burnieschick ini've got pigeons nesting/roosting on my roof, blocking my gutters and messing all over my car.
any ideas how to get rid?