Unchained Melody by the Rightous Brothers...when my boyfriend..now husband was gone to Army Cadet Camp for the summer...I sent him a letter with the words to that song....
Posts by arwen
What song reminds you of your first crush/lover?
by JH in.
probably you'll have to go way back in time... .
Vaginal Birth or Cesarean Section
by Dimples into all the mommy's out there...did you deliver vaginally or by c-section?.
i was fortunate enough to deliver both my children vaginally although i came close to a c-section with my son.
he was in the posterier position.
I tell everyone that I was doing a survey to see if women should have babies when they are young or older, have children spaced far apart or close together in age. I had two vaginals and two c--sections. My first was at age 18 weighed in at 9lb 8 ounces 23 inches, my second five years later weighed 8 lbs 6ounces.......then sixteen yearss later at age 35 I am an emergency c-section after a day of intense labour and welcomed my only daughter weighing 10lbs 8 ounces.21 inches long. Twenty months later,,,another section and a 10lb, 22 inches baby a week early...planned section this time....I felt like I was hit by a mack truck with the sections...twenty years later and I am still recovering!! The baby is 6'3" now.....The answer to the survey is have children around 29 or 30 and deliver vaginally if possible and space them four years apart for your own sanity.....
Your First Love...
by Country Girl ineveryone has a first love, and there's usually a wonderfully dramatic story.
juveniles arevery dramatic.
what happened with your first love?
I met my first love at age 14. I knew he was my soulmate. We dated for four years and during a quarrel I met someone else and married him. I remember standing there on my wedding day wishing I was someplace else but I went through with it. He became and JW and we had two children. It was a very difficult marriage. It lasted ten long years.....We tried marriage counselling twice.. He became very controlling and fanatical and critisied my every move in life...I wanted to kill myself many times. I met my first love again and he had never married and was still in love with me and I with him so after five years of nightmare from my ex we got married and had two children and have been married to 20 years now. I love him with all my heart and I am so grateful that we had a chance to have a life. If I died tomorrow I know what it feels like to be truly loved and to truly love someone....some say it sounds like a fairy tale..but it is true.
A Jehovah Witness Murders A Man!
by Legolas indid you guys see this?
sep 02, 2005. log inenroll.
Some of us new ones on the board have never heard of the goings on of other JW's before and have been taught to believe that JW's wouldn't ever do anything like this. I was quite shocked when I read this and I am glad she brought it up as I might never have seen it. I had never heard of the trial in Scotland either or about Ray Franz books.....so please don't forget some of us as just getting "out" and we need all the news we can get.....Thanks Legolas for your post
A Jehovah Witness Murders A Man!
by Legolas indid you guys see this?
sep 02, 2005. log inenroll.
Some of us new ones on the board have never heard of the goings on of other JW's before and have been taught to believe that JW's wouldn't ever do anything like this. I was quite shocked when I read this and I am glad she brought it up as I might never have seen it. I had never heard of the trial in Scotland either or about Ray Franz books.....so please don't forget some of us as just getting "out" and we need all the news we can get.....Thanks Legolas for your post
Do you like who you are?
by damselfly ini was inspired by rat's post.
are you a nice person?
I am not sure who I am right now but whoever I am I think I like me. I have a fabulous sense of humour, almost crazy at times. I tend to be shy at first as I doubt myself alot and I hate making quick decisions but I am working on that.
my first cup of coffee.....
by bikerchic init's been about two months since i've drank coffee, i quit cold turkey don't ask why........just wanted to say i didn't miss it at all and now i wonder how i ever drank this stuff in the first place!.
back to cranberry juice in the am for me!.
anyone else ever give up something and wonder later how or why they ever drank, ate or smoked it in the first place?.
My husband usually makes the coffee in the morning and he puts coffe, cocoa, and vanilla in the dripper thing and then adds the water..it is a Tim Horton's coffee maker that we had to send back for a recall and it was gone for five days. We lived with a one cup coffe maker and it was really awful...I made it and it was so strong. I never used to drink coffee but my husband got me into it and I have to drink some every morning or he will drink the whole pot before he goes or rather "flys" to work...
Send greetings to kwintestal and heart2heart
by Scully inwe're awaiting the arrival of kwintestal and heart2heart as they make their long trek back home.
they'll be having dinner with us tonight.. in a couple of hours' time... and i know their computer access has been almost non-existant over the last several days.... so how about sending them a virtual hug and a big hello, which i will print out for them before they set out on their journey again!.
let's make it a nice big thread!
Greeting to Kwin and Heart2Heart..have a safe trip home and hope to meet you soon in person....I don't know how to do all that fancy computer stuff with hugs and animation but I'll give you a real hug when I see you guys this weekend...
Embarrassing moments at work
by damselfly ini think we need a fun fluffy thread today, so this is my attempt at starting one.
at work we have a big bathtub with air jets.
clients come in for a hydrobath, (hopefully remember their swimsuit 'cause i've seen so many naked people by now it's getting boring), leave and then, oh joy!, i get to clean the tub.
working as a pharmacy technician for the first time, a customer, a young guy came to the counter with a box of condoms....I said to the pharmacist quietly," Is there tax on condoms?" He laughed out loud and said loudly,"No, there's no tacks on condoms, they stay on by themselves!!!!" I was mortified and quickly rang them in with NO tax and put them in the bag and the customer and I never made eye contact. I later married the pharmacist and he is still as crazy, funny as ever.
I just noticed it's my 1 year anniversary here!
by kwintestal inand what a year it has been!
who knows where i'd be if i didn't have the support and access to knowledge that i get here.
love ya all!.
Congratulations, Kwin, I know you have been through a lot in the last year. Hopefully, the next year will be really positive for you and your family. I, too, enjoy your posts and read a lot more than I post....You have helped me with your kind thoughts and I am looking forward to meeting you in a couple of weeks. Here's to Kwin!