Vaginal Birth or Cesarean Section

by Dimples 59 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Dimples

    To all the Mommy's out there...did you deliver vaginally or by c-section?

    I was fortunate enough to deliver both my children vaginally although I came close to a c-section with my son. He was in the posterier position.

    My daugher weighed 6 lbs 0 oz at birth and was 19 in long ( 1st born ) Labor 5 1/2 hours

    My son was 8 lbs 0 oz at birth and was 20 1/2 in long, Labor 18 LONG hours ( Ouch )

    Definetly it was all worth it in the end seeing those sweet little faces look you in the eye. One of the best feelings in the world.


  • prophesariah

    All three of my children were born vaginally. The first two were born at a maternity center that specialized in midwifery.They are approx. three years apart. I went to a regular hospital for the third birth which occured six years after the second.

    1st ~ girl : 6lbs 5ozs , 19 inches long , labor was 4hrs - Woke up to a spurt of fluid wetting my undies. No pain was associated with it. This occured several more times during the morning. After calling the maternity center, I went in. They determined I was leaking amniotic fluid and kept me. Contractions began to occur, with increasing pressure each time, accompanied with the loss of more fluid until it finally burst completely. My child came so fast, they had to stop at the door of the labor room in the midst of transporting me to the delivery room.

    2nd ~ girl : 5lbs 6ozs , 18 inches long , labor was 4 1/2 hrs - Suffered grueling back pain during the week before actually going in. I was not dialated enough and my labor pains were not consistent or frequent enough for the hospital to take me.

    3rd ~ boy : 8lbs 10ozs , 21 inches long , labor was no more than 5 hrs - All I remember is the pain was intense and it came to my rememberance, at the time, just how painful the process was. I have always had natural births. I did not want to allow passage of the head of my child. I refused to bear down when it was clearly time to do so. I was warned that it would take that much longer if I didn't do what was necessary. So, I gave in and suffered through it.( Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad I don't have to concern myself with that experience ever again. Thank God for "menopause".)

    And yes after it is all done, it is a blessing to look on their sweet little angelic faces and know they are healthy.

  • Angharad

    I did one each way

    Had to have a section with the first because he was breeched. Had a natural delivery with second. Natural way was horrendous and hurt like hell, he took 25 hours to make his appearance but I was up and about more or less straight away, the section took weeks to get over.

    First was 7lb 3 oz born bang on due date second was 5 lb 3 oz - 2 weeks early

  • ISP

    I thought Cesarean's were for our scouse buddies......


  • Ellie

    Both my babies were born naturally.

    My first was 7lb 14oz, the labour was about 6 hours long and no pain relief at all and no stitches.

    The second was 8lb 10 oz, the labour was only 3 hours long and I'd say only painful for about an hour, again no pain relief or stitches, which I'm really proud of as I'm normally such a wuss.

  • mrsjones5

    I had all 4 of my children vaginally! My babies ranged in weight from 7lbs 8oz to 10lbs 11oz - ouch! That was my daughter and second child, she looked like a little ham, not a wrinkle on that kid. I only tore with my first baby and they all were born rather quickly - about 1 hour or less of pushing. Oh yeah, with no drugs!


  • lonelysheep

    Both my children were c-sections.

    1st - Girl - 7lb 15 oz After 30 hours of labor, I had an emergency c-section. During labor, I was givin pitocin and an epidural. The epidural felt like someone was stabbing a knife in my spine. Recovery was rough.

    2nd - Boy - 6lb 6 oz Elective c-section. He was born 21 months after her. Recovery was easy and pain was very minimal since there was no labor.

  • shera

    All three were vaginal,I would be more nervous over a C-section,the after effects are so painful.

    All my labours were 12 hours long,but my last baby,Makayla,I was in labour with her off and on for a week! Annoying,so they stretched my cervix to get things on the (sorry fellas) Boy did that hurt!!

    After that had my tubes tied and that caused more pain then having the baby!

    1st baby now 17,weighed 7 pounds 1 oz

    2nd baby now 10,weighed 7 pounds 11 oz

    3rd baby now 4,weighed 8 pounds 1 oz

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie


    Our first was a c-section--he simply refused to budge. He was a week and a half late, they dripped enough Pitocyn (sp?) into me that I felt like I was going to float away, and I STILL never even got into heavy labor. They finally did a c-section. While I was up and moving around long before I thought I would be, it was still a long recovery.

    Our second was a vaginal birth, and she entered the world so quickly from the time labor began that we didn't even get the chance to use all those nifty breathing techniques we'd been practicing for months. The recovery period was much faster.

    Given the choice, I'd rather have a vaginal birth--but I tell you what: The discomfort and pain surrounding the surgery with my son was hard as I recall, but I will never forget the pain that accompanied my daughter's birth. Turns out it was worth it, but dang...

  • alreadygone

    All three of our children were born vaginally.

    1st girl 7lbs. 10 oz. ~ 5 hours. No medication. Went into labor late at night on the due date, she was born the next morning.

    2nd boy 8 lbs. 10 oz. ~ 6 hours. No medication. He was born 10 days before his due date (I was sick of being pregnant so I helped it along). The doctor had to turn him (he was also posterior - major back labor) during one of my contractions and his collar bone broke coming out.

    3rd boy 8 lbs. 15 oz ~ 10 hours. I was induced 15 days early because we knew it was going to be a big baby and didn't want a repeat of the broken collar bone. I thought I would again be able to do the no medication route. I got to 5 cm and was in so much pain that I couldn't think. It was horrible. I had a spinal and the pain went away. When the effects started wearing off, it was time to push and a few pushes later out came our little munchkin. When I was in labor with our last child I was in so much pain and I couldn't figure out why it hurt so bad since my other two deliveries were relatively easy. I was just blabbering incoherantly and told my husband that I thought it was because we weren't JW's anymore - that was the only difference I could think of between my other children's delivery and this one. Thankfully, the nurse pointed out that I was 10 years older than the last time I delivered and my body wasn't ready to be in labor being induced an all. We might have had to go back...

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