All three of my children were born vaginally. The first two were born at a maternity center that specialized in midwifery.They are approx. three years apart. I went to a regular hospital for the third birth which occured six years after the second.
1st ~ girl : 6lbs 5ozs , 19 inches long , labor was 4hrs - Woke up to a spurt of fluid wetting my undies. No pain was associated with it. This occured several more times during the morning. After calling the maternity center, I went in. They determined I was leaking amniotic fluid and kept me. Contractions began to occur, with increasing pressure each time, accompanied with the loss of more fluid until it finally burst completely. My child came so fast, they had to stop at the door of the labor room in the midst of transporting me to the delivery room.
2nd ~ girl : 5lbs 6ozs , 18 inches long , labor was 4 1/2 hrs - Suffered grueling back pain during the week before actually going in. I was not dialated enough and my labor pains were not consistent or frequent enough for the hospital to take me.
3rd ~ boy : 8lbs 10ozs , 21 inches long , labor was no more than 5 hrs - All I remember is the pain was intense and it came to my rememberance, at the time, just how painful the process was. I have always had natural births. I did not want to allow passage of the head of my child. I refused to bear down when it was clearly time to do so. I was warned that it would take that much longer if I didn't do what was necessary. So, I gave in and suffered through it.( Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad I don't have to concern myself with that experience ever again. Thank God for "menopause".)
And yes after it is all done, it is a blessing to look on their sweet little angelic faces and know they are healthy.