I liked #77...Jehovah God is my Sheperd...from the 23th psalm. I sang the old Protestant version at a wedding (Non JW) when I was eight years old so I knew both versions..in fact I think I know three different tunes as I also sang in the church choir. I also liked Loyal Love....you know the one..."hey there all you thirsty ones, come and drink life's waters free" I had to put all the old gospel hymns out of my mind when I a JW but now I have an old songbook and I enjoy blasting them out on the old piano every now and then...(when I am home alone). Maybe this year I might even get to sing "Silent Night" for the first time in twenty plus years!!!
Posts by arwen
I was reading a post today about the kingdom songs we sang as JW's.
by booker-t ini was thinking about the kingdom songs we sang as jw's and was wondering about you posters out there that are ex-jw's or still jw's what was you all time favorite "kingdom song" or what was you all time horrible song that we sang from both songbooks (1966 songbook or the later songbook made in 1984 sing praises to jehovah.
my favorite song was song #119 in the 1966 songbook "keep your eyes on the prize".
i like this song because it made me feel that armaggeddon was coming fast and the "new system" would be here to give me the prize.
Not your typical blonde joke....
by Scully intwo bored casino dealers are waiting at the craps table.. an attractive blonde from st john's, newfoundland arrived and bet twenty-thousand dollars ($20,000) on a single roll of the dice.. she said, "i hope you don't mind, but i feel much luckier when i'm completely nude.".
with that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and yelled, "come on, baby, mama needs new clothes!
" as the dice came to a stop she jumped up and down and squealed... "yes!
Good one, CountryGuy!!!
kwintestal == birthday boy.
by ackack ini'm jealous.
he's gonna get all the attention.
way to go kwin!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KWIN!!!! I hope you special day is a very happy one. Best Wishes for many, many more.
Likening my exit from the JWs to a bad divorce
by findingmyway inunlike those of you who made the choice to drift or fade away, i was df'd a few years ago and, at the time, i thought i would return.
with the passing of time, i am realizing that going back for the sake of mending family bonds is not a good enough reason to go back.
but my family has been holding out the hope that i will return.
I have been through a bad divorce and trust me exiting the JW"s is very similar...the same emotions, questioning yourself all the time..still having feelings..reliving all the pain...feeling alone in your plight, trying to fight you way out...It has been 21 years since the divorce and I think I have finally let that go....now if I can just get through this!
Describe the WILDEST JW party you ever attended!! no seriously......
by kid-A ini realize this is totally context and culturally dependent, but the old toronto jw youth scene was quite wild during the years 1984-1994. .
one example, a group of about 40 jw kids would go up to a ski resort (usually mount st.louis/moonstone or blue mountain) over the x-mas week-end.
one year we rented out a block of rooms in a resort close to the ski lodge.
Legolas: I never got invited to the Alloute party??? One party I went too was overnight mom and daughter party where the moms all drank and the kids put on the entertainment. We then turned out all the lights and played hide and go seek in the dark..
florida accomadations
by gladdy inlooking for accomadations near lantana or fort worth for 5 months beginning nov. anyone know of affordable rentals or sites?
Hubby is now talking to a supervisor in a pharmacy group in Palm Bay, near Coca Beach in Florida...we would need to find a furnished condo or apt or house for four months. Two bedrooms would be good as I am sure we will have a lot of company coming from the frozen north! We will probably be doing this every winter if this works out....Gladdy will be happy as she loves the warm weather and she needs a month off.
florida accomadations
by gladdy inlooking for accomadations near lantana or fort worth for 5 months beginning nov. anyone know of affordable rentals or sites?
actually its my husband and I that are thinking about going to Florida from Nov15 untill March. 30. He is a pharmacist and had a job offer in a new store in that area...it is Lake Worth,,,not Fort Worth...I would like to live in a gated communtiy of a condo that is not too easy to get into as he will be working a lot of night shifts and moving from a place where we don't even lock our doors to a place with possible criminals on the loose scares me...He loves Florida, drives a Harley and I think most people would be scared of him! So if any of you Florida folks or folks with connections in Florida please help if you can. I'll even invite you guys down to visit!!!Bring a sleeping bags through as I don't think we will have too much furniture.!!
florida accomadations
by gladdy inlooking for accomadations near lantana or fort worth for 5 months beginning nov. anyone know of affordable rentals or sites?
Where do you consider would be the best place in the world to live?
by JH in.
what do you think?.
i love canada, but i would rather a warmer climate.. to me australia would also be a nice place to live, large country, english, and warmer than here.. i'd love to live in the us too.
Prince Edward Island where we have four months of beautiful summer and eight months of really good sledding!
Please don`t read if you are a current witness and have doubts.
by void inwell i am new to the board, i have faded away from the truth lies about 6 years ago.
it still has an effect on me today, so much so i gave the warning in the title.
this is because one of the things drilled into me, was that its far worse to lead a member of the flock away.
Welcome to the board! Most of us are walking wounded here and have scars that are hidden well...It is such a relief to be able to come here and find friends that truly understand and identify with us. I hope you will continue to post and read as each person's story is unique but very similar and it gives us the encouragement we need to keep our senses when we feel that we are the only one that has lived in the insane world of JW's.