Here is one story i heard-
Family buying a trailer home and needed a mattress and the landlord guy said there was one not being used anymore and let them have it and put it in the trailer. The let thier little girl play on it while they continued talking w/ the neighbors. The also had a baby in a crib in a back room.
When they walked back in the little girl was sitting on the mattress and petting an invisible cat saying "nice kitty, nice kitty" and had a seductive look on her face (at the age of 3?..). The parents were disturbed by this and tried to pick her up and were thrown against the wall by an invisible force. The father then tried to get the baby from the back room and was banged back and forth against the wall in the hallway. He was able to get the baby and the mother got the little girl. They all ran out of the house. Later they asked the elders to remove the mattress. After that nothing strange happened anymore. ----
Now for the story that actually happened to me.
About 12yrs old? And i was home alone watching TV. I had been speaking to a friend that was an avid believer of the dark side. And mentioned how he can even control some demons. I decided to get off the phone w/ the guy. Soon after that my television sound went blaring loud. Logically i tried to think what went wrong. I tried the remote to turn it down. It didn't work. Well, the remote must be broken. I go to the t.v and try to turn it down there. It doesn't work. I then get this very creepy feeling of something watching me. As trained as a JW i know you are supposed to say Gods name to get demons to leave. So i try it. I push the button to turn the sound down and say " jehovah" over and over. The sound starts to go lower. It finally goes down to normal and so i stop saying 'Jehovah" and take my finger off the button. The volume again rises to the top. Okay.. at this point i am totally freaking!
I had ran to my parents room for safety. I finally get up enough nerve to go back and try again to turn the sound down. Saying 'jehovah' while pushing the button works again. It goes back to low and i let go and stop chanting. The volume stays at a low level. "whew" And at that very second my parents walk in the house. I tell them everything that just happen and they laugh at me and say it was just electrical or something.
Anyone that can help explain that situation to me i would appreciate it.