Welcome. As for nvrgnbk, 6800 posts, Holy s**t!
love the avatar!
welcome, iveseenthelight!.
Welcome. As for nvrgnbk, 6800 posts, Holy s**t!
from channel c (today).
you may have read something similar to this before but the specific details are interesting.. this was put on a uk forum by an xjw called gordon...he gave me permission to use his post.. .
Oh very good if it's true. Hopefully they learn something. If they had been listening to everyone who posts here before they left, WT wouldn't be having the tough time that they are right now.
Isaac Carmignani (for all you WT spies)
right from the beginning, you are bombarded with others telling you what a "privilege" it is to "be used" in the organization.
especially if you're a male, it is easy to get hooked by the elder's lines.....for example, a male is given the "privilege" of "handling the microphones" if they put in enough time in the ministry and they aren't setting a bad example.
if you're "faithful in what is least", greater privileges await you.
Boy was I suckered in for those "privileges." I lived for them, got most of them, and like a drug I always wanted more. Those damn "privileges," never paid a single bill. I will say that I did get valuable building trade experience and I guess that compensates some. But I gave up so much for it, college or trade school would have been cheaper even with loans.
i read the thread a few days ago about co, & do charles sinutko and his famous 1967 talk that ended with "stay alive 'till 1975".
it brought back a flood of memories.
i listened to his talks - randy has plenty of them on his website, too- http://www.freeminds.org/wav/wav.htm.
I take Sinutko is not in the traveling work anymore. This is why I keep numbers, for sometime twenty years from now....
interesting article in the times online.
writer josh spero seems very well primed - a change from the usual cliches about smart dress and "all our beliefs are bible-based" soundbites.. http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/visual_arts/article2251171.ece.
among the greek goddesses and assyrian altars of the british museum can be heard the growing rumble of the imminent apocalypse.
Funny, just before I exited, I started, in conjunction with a sister in my congo, a small venture in NYC called BibleTours. We did at the METY what Emmanuel does at the British Museum. I still have a CA group calling for tours. I actually collaborated with Emmanuel on some of it. It actually helped me in that I could see more clearly the arrogance involved in JW beliefs. For example while walking with Emmanuel around the Egyptian exhibits he commented that a member of the GB claims to know which Pharoah was in power when Moses took the Israelites out of Egypt. He said that they would never officially state it because it does not agree with scholars views. I wondered...why??? I forget which Pharoah it was since I was looking for facts, or as close to facts as I could get. And there were many other things that just made it clear that at the highest levels this an arrogant cult with little regard for scholarship that does not fit it's world view.
i never thought i would do one of those infamous goodbye i cant take this board anymore posts where the person shows up again a week later and looks like an idiot.
when i had enough of this board and needed a little break i would just quietly leave for a few months and hopefully nobody noticed.
that is not the case this time.
Good luck Dave.
barbara anderson has just released a new book on cd that contains some 5000 pages of public court records from the nine lawsuits involving 16 victims that the wts settled secretly in may of this year, plus documents from two other cases the society settled in 2000 and 2006.. .
its called secrets of pedophilia in an american religion: jehovahs witnesses in crisis.. .
the book, and more info from barbara about it, is available here:.
Yo go Barb.
For someone like myself born in 1957 as a 3rd generation JW this is trutly astonishing the farms were the total mecca utopian paradise the place to be assigned considered a spiritual paradise better than the factory
Agreed. This is truly great news in the sense that their world is coming apart, slowly but surely.
i can confirm (as there seems to be some doubt) at the service meeting last night during the item about the new watchtower, a letter was read by the po.
the public talk is to be 30 minutes long.
this is to allow for more association and ministry.. lengthy negative introductions about the state of the system of things/deep last days etc are to be heavily curtailed.
My ex who teaches for a living always felt that more than 30 minutes is too long. People's attention drifts. Maybe the all wise GB finally figured this out. In any event the public is not at the public talk anyway, so why drag it out?
jehovahs witnesses, higher education and misrepresentation.
footnotes and appendices and full article at:.