As a kid I remember the eight day ones. At Yankee Stadium, getting there before sunup so we could get front seats under a tent we would throw up. Wow, those were the days eh?
assemblies used to go for 5 days which caused problems for brothers with work was changed to thursday to sunday......then half of thursday to sunday.....then 3 days only.
does anyone remember this....i remember 3 and a half days.
As a kid I remember the eight day ones. At Yankee Stadium, getting there before sunup so we could get front seats under a tent we would throw up. Wow, those were the days eh?
so, i was at the local mall today and ran into a jw friend that i had grown up with and attended school with.
hadn't seen him in 6 months or so.
he didn't see me, so i had to approach him.
Even if it said there would be hard economic times, so what? They say there will be hard times everywhere in every aspect of life before the end. With no specificity as to type, time, location its no prophecy. That's like saying there will be a car accident on some high traffic intyersection in the next twenty years and then calling it a prophecy come true when it happens.
''son, i want you to go down to earth and eventually get killed.
then i'll bring you back to life in heaven asap''.
how the hell do 'christians' justify calling that a sacrifice?.
That ransom thing is so bogus. I mean I struggled to try and explain that when I gave the memorial talk. Never could get it right. In fairness to JWs though that's a Christian belief. And it makes no sense there either.
hi all... haven't been on the forum in ages...heard there was recently a talk or a watchtower that came out on showing mercy.
anyone know or heard of it??
had a jw relative mention it breifly yo my sister and was wondering if any of you had the article or have perhaps discussed it and could possibly lead me to the link.
what say ye?
this is, after all, an end of an era of the most important jw discussion board since any boards existed.
major stuff has been revealed here.
JWD put the final nail on the coffin for my involvement with Watchtower. I lurked here for a long time and learned so much. In the end I turned a lot of people in NYC on to JWD, some of whom have also benefited greatly from JWD. I continue to recommend it to JWs I know who are inactive and who keep in touch with me.
even though i no longer proclaim being a jw it seems to have tarnished my relationship with others, including family and even co-workers.
i feel as tho i am still treated differently than others..
I should add that not knowing how to behave was a problem for me as well. That's part of how certain co-workers have been helpful. They fill me in on what I need to know. Other tactics I use are taking cues from how other functional and well balanced people behave in the same settings as I find myself in. Plus I have the feedback my ex gave me when we were married, much of which was spot on. I think it helps to resist the urge to retreat into oneself and the Web and push through the discomfort that might exist in developing face to face relationships. I see so many ways that having been married, having girlfriends, friends in the community and the workplace, and a daughter have helped me avoid taking positions that sound reasonable to a nerdy geek like me but which ultimately would have been impractical and a turnoff to others.
... and that was written 2000 years ago ... .
what possible meaningful value could that phrase have anymore?
I couldn't agree more. How about "and just a LITTLE WHILE longer and the wicked one will be no more"???!!!!
so i went to our "last" book study night last night.
there were actually people crying during the last prayer !!!!
Most of my older ones will be gone in the next 5 years. If I felt or sensed they really wanted me to be straight with them, I would in a heartbeat. However what I am hearing in their voices is panicky desperation. I don't wanna push them over an edge when their chances of surviving and overcoming is so little.
Agreed, I refrain from giving my Mom the full story for that reason. She finds comfort at her Hall. To quote a JW aphorism: "To where would she go to"?
Lisavegas-To just reinforce what oompa said, IMO its social. After all the book study material is now going to be considered on the TMS/SM night.
i recently received the following email.
i don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for the sender.
it looks like i'm not the first person on this board to receive this email (see
I didn't realize this was around for so long. I'd never heard it. I bet the newbies don't realize that either otherwise 'Whatever your mission is, get it done quickly, for it won't be long now!' would sound real stupid.
so i went to our "last" book study night last night.
there were actually people crying during the last prayer !!!!
I know it is very hard for them with all these changes
Yknot-Amazing. My Mom says the same thing. She asks me why the changes. Needless to say I have some answers she isn't always comnfortable with.