Wow, that must be a great feeling. Let's hope his research continues.
over the past three years i have dropped a few points about why i am no longer attending meetings .
nothing in depth .. i did stress alot of it was due to never feeling good enough , the emotional pressure to follow organizational rules over my own conscience and my personal objection of how education is discouraged .
i also have shared with my kids their whole life that when i was raised ,armegeddon fears were rammed down my throat ,something i refused to do to them .. i have worried excessivly how my older two sons would respond to me once they realized i am never going back .. well my son came home for a visit to go out and celebrate my birthday this weekend !
Wow, that must be a great feeling. Let's hope his research continues.
noah - a man ahead of his times.. did he have a superior form of immunity?
oh, that's right, god was directing him.
still, it must have been quite a challenge.. cheeses h. kerriced..
Now that's one I hadn't thought of! If he'd only forgotten to bring the viruses on board....!
how did those animals behave among each other?.
don't tell me just stood there and obeyed noah's instructions?.
can someone please help me with a verse on "taming wild animals before the floods"?.
Dubs say as mentioned that "a fear" of man was put in to the animals AFTER the flood. I never could understand how that statement in Genesis meant that now the animals would be aggressive. If they were afraid of man wouldn't they be LESS likely to attack man? Oh well not much about that story seems to make sense.
2009 keep on the watch district conventionfriday - prove yourselves ready mt 24:44. am.
chairman's address.
conventions help us to remain watchful.
Man, they haven't had a prodigal son drama since the late 60's. Wow! I remember Fred Franz sang a strange song about it at the Gilead grad that year to his own piano accompaniment.
one thread already started on this, although you may have missed it since the topic title is not so descriptive:
here is a news article on it:.
What I don't get is why another facility? Don't they have enough with Walkill and Patterson? These guys just waste money all the time it seems. But they have been saying that all operations are moving tom upstate NY from when I was in. That was coming from bethelites in the know.
i was perusing the latest 2008 wt library and i ran a search for luke 21:8 (one of the worst texts you could read to a jw).
when i first ran the search, the library only popped up with one article from 11/1/64 wt and a reference to some book called the kingdom of god is nigh (published by the wt in 1944, but is not found on the cd.
i did find it on the internet, though.).
Blondie, I found what you just posted. They include all the hyphenated citations like Luke 21:1-11, which of course say nothing about the text in question. Actually a bizzilion references pop up until you type Luke 21:8 in quotes then just the '64 reference pops up clickable. One other ni 15 (I guess that's the "Kingdom of God is Nigh" book civicsi00 refers to) shows up, which doesn't even show up in the publication list. I also checked the "due time has approached" search and sure enough at least three of those have Luke 21:8 clearly posted. can only wonder. They're still mealy mothed "wolves".
i was perusing the latest 2008 wt library and i ran a search for luke 21:8 (one of the worst texts you could read to a jw).
when i first ran the search, the library only popped up with one article from 11/1/64 wt and a reference to some book called the kingdom of god is nigh (published by the wt in 1944, but is not found on the cd.
i did find it on the internet, though.).
Interesting. I must check this out. But I would not put it past them. Its obvious that incriminating material is left out. For instance they don't put in the Life Everlasting book. Or the Awake's that spouted the 1975 nonsense. or the 1967 Awake from the RAPE thread ( They cover up as much as possible.
i have an elder friend who is 'open-minded', so to say...he tells me what gets discussed at elder meetings, even though he does'nt give too much detail.. he says that they were instructed by the society not to hurry df'ing publishers, that they should try to reproof (1 timothy 3: 16,17) a sinner,,..that they should be a little considerate bearingf in mind that we are living in critical times of the end.. .
personally i know a few publishers(baptized or not) who now have children out of wedlock, and they were just "marked" or had privileges taken away..... the reason given is: "they realised that they have sinned, and they are fully repented, they gave enough evidence to jc that they want to be known as jw's".
now my question is : are they slowly doing away with the df'ing doctrine?.
Sir82 makes some good points on pg 1. I think that if shunning became a strongly encouraged conscience matter, we would still be shunned and need to support one another. JWN and such forums would live on.
this week a letter is being read that changes the process for the approval of regular pioneers.
in times past you had to fill out an application, submit it to the elder body (who would then add their comments), and it would be forwarded to "the branch" for approval.. this is being changed so that the elder body grants the approval instead of brooklyn or the local branch.
it looks like the lawyers are removing any and all direct contact between the rank-and-file and the gb.
I always thought the branch was an unecessary middleman. Lessening their workload at the branch level may be part of the reason for this in addition to any legal benefits. A few years back the SC was given the power to approve a lower yearly requirement for one year if a pioneer could demonstarte a genuine need and a reasonable guarantee that they could do the regular amount of hours the following service year. This would seem like a natural progression of that empowerment of the elders in this area.
this issue is coming up for me soon, the resignation.
a physical move is out of the question.
but the most likely scenario is that i will be in the same hall.
I was able to resign voluntarily and with the good graces of the body. Crying health concerns and burnout made that possible. I still wanted to make my voice heard however and so I sent an anonymous letter to the GB, Branch office and Service Department. Hint: Get some judicial envelopes before you resign. You can use them to mail your letter and guarantee that it will be opened as they will think it's a DF form. That's what I did and my letter did get through.
Check out my resignation letter if you'd like: