Bible classes and 150!!! pairs of panties! Wow, sounds like a very familiar racket we've seen over and over as JWs.
friday night my oldest son spent the night at one of his friends house.
his friend and wife went to bed and james, my son, stayed up and played video games with their two children, son 11, daughter 9. the son and james went to bed.
the little girl continued to play and fell asleep on the sofa.. james got up a little after midnight to get a drink of water.
Bible classes and 150!!! pairs of panties! Wow, sounds like a very familiar racket we've seen over and over as JWs.
there was a thread a few months back that contained a scan of (i think) the dec 15th watchtower where they said that the watchtower was to be considered part of the bible.
i really want to find that thread, i've been looking for hours i thought i had commented on it but it's not in my 'threads posted on' and i've been going through pages and pages and pages of threads and i've tried search but just can't find it.. .
does anyone who might have posted on that thread have a link to it?
This is absolutely incredible. I plan to show my Mom this. The gall of these people. Mind you they claim NOT to be inspired.
Isaac Carmignani
more exposes of gilead coming up!.
this video outlines my plans for my video channel and includes a hilarious, yet respectful, picture of gb member geoff jackson.. i've improved the quality and added music for this video... plenty of more videos will be coming soon....
for more videos, click on my channel:
As mentioned JWs are vicious when defending their precious "organization" and their absentee God. Keep going A@G.
there was a thread a few months back that contained a scan of (i think) the dec 15th watchtower where they said that the watchtower was to be considered part of the bible.
i really want to find that thread, i've been looking for hours i thought i had commented on it but it's not in my 'threads posted on' and i've been going through pages and pages and pages of threads and i've tried search but just can't find it.. .
does anyone who might have posted on that thread have a link to it?
OMG! I never thought they would get that bold.
this is from someone that is waiting to join as soon as the site starts taking new registrations.
he has a question for the board.. .
i also see ya posted my letter on the there really a lot waiting to get it 'in'?
I personally have always felt that this "challenge" is something manufactured by WTBTS so they could explain world events. After all, where in Job or anywhere in the Bible is some challenge put to God on the question of "universal sovreignty"? Even that term is something bot found in the Bible.
Isaac Carmignani
i recently asked a girl out.
she was excited to go so we nailed down some plans and i bought some tickets for a live show at a theater.
the show was for 7:30 pm on friday.
I'd say mature women who have nothing to hide, well their behavior is normal and not that complicated. They are mature and don't "yank people's chains". There may very well be something wrong with this one.
yeah i i like "introductions that arouse interests" on my subject lines!
but the danger is at the end of this post, not the beginning.
this is actually a very serious thread for oompa... and not my first, but i apologize in advance for it being the longest i have ever posted.
Thank goodness for a laptop where I can get other things done and view JWN while on the road. I find I need this place, or something like it. Its okay so long as it doesn't replace RW. And for me it definitely doesn't. With family in who I refuse to simply ignore due to "Christian" love that I have for them, and a daughter who they would love to enslave, I am regularly confronted with the effects of this cult. This board is a way of dealing with that through learning from and sharing with others who are going through the same things. Its the "whole association of brothers " I guess working here.
me and my jw wifey were talking this morning.
the conversation was about her aunt that's dying of cancer.
we were discussing the issue of death and i mentioned that there is nothing we can do about it and that we will all have to go thru it at one time or another and she agreed and even spoke further about it.. i am thinking wtf, "what about everlasting life", since this is what they preach and are taught.
The official teaching is Yes you may die. But with the ""urgency" of the end, most JWs get the impression that THEY won't have to face death. Unless they get baptized when they're very old and/or sick. Funny though how Witnesses seem to be realizing that only the resurrection will make the dream of everlasting life come true. Even my uber Witness Mom said to me the other day that the 'new order' will probably come in the life of MY great grand kids. Say what??? She bought a plot and plans to die in THIS system! And she's only 64 and in good health.
growing up a jw makes a person unique, long after you leave.
even though i strongly disagree with much of what i was taught, i still am tainted by my upbringing in that i think a thought and then correct myself with what i now should think (or visa versa, think something and then remember what i once would have thought).. even now that i am far removed from watchtower thinking, i still feel somewhat of an alien from those around me.
though i am loved at work, i feel they laugh at me more than they laugh with me.. for some time now, i have been meaning to chronograph the concepts that a witness child is indocrinated with to show just how damaging an upbringing it is.
still am tainted by my upbringing in that I think a thought and then correct myself with what I now should think (or visa versa, think something and then remember what I once would have thought).
OMG! So I'm not the only one! That site is Awesome! I guess I have a long way to go in leaving. But it's not like I haven't moved on. I am extremely functional as an ex ex-JW. Its just as you said, for some of us it was a very life encompassing experience.
i have heard this expression a few times recently.. and isn't is so true?.
i am fairly young.
i have good health.
I agree 150%.