A lot of the discussion on this site is about how do we go about trying, if at all, to show friends and family the truth about the 'truth'. My parents are still 'in' and in their late sixties. Dad still window cleaning of course. My two brothers and sister, who all left years before me, tell me it's not worth kicking away our parents 'comfort zone' at this stage in their lives.
I, on the other hand, being the oldest and having been duped the longest time feel what is best described as barely controlled rage for a dishonest killing religion.I want to confront my parents and try and convince them of the absolute lunacy of the WTS.
Reading postings here I see I'm not the only one. However more often than not the advice, suggestions and comments given by others is one of restraint in dealings with our loved ones. I myself have commented on my favourite Aesop fable of the Sun and the Wind. (Gently does it).
Everybody's circumstances are different of course and I'm not offering advice one way or the other but it does seem that the gentle approach seems the favoured one.
Now my point is, when it comes to the Society itself, just imagine that the powers that be are as aware as us that it is not the 'truth'. Do we expect them to suddenly stop all printing production after announcing
''Sorry brothers it's all a load of bollocks. Please get on as best you can with the rest of your lives.''
Or do they carry on whilst easing up and abandoning on the doctrines (1914 generation, 1935 sealing of heavenly calling, military service, voting, further education,blood fractions followed by all blood, birthdays, Xmas, no need to go in service, disfellowshipping etc etc).
This second option of gradually going lax and mainstream without any of the bad points would still keep the ones who want it happy.
First option could be viewed as a bit traumatic.
If we were number one at Brooklyn what would we do? A gradual abandonment, letting people down to reality gently or total pull out of the rug beneath them.
Myself I'm not sure but it's something I've been thinking about recently as it helps me not to become too full of hatred for men in Brooklyn I've never met.
Hope the point I'm trying to make gets across.
Thomas Covenant