Although I'm personally not against this ban, I can't help but
wonder what effect it will have on the economy.
I heard a radio report last week where it said that, since the
ban came into effect in Scotland, more than 800 pubs have
closed, with a subsequent loss of over 3,500 jobs. No doubt
some of those people would have supported the ban, but I
wonder how they feel about it now? Would they rather work
in an environment where smoking is allowed, or be out of
work? I know which I'd prefer.
Maybe it won't happen here - only time will tell, but I know a
few pub landlords in Derby who are very concerned about the
possible effect this ban will have on trade, and judging by the
figures from Scotland they have every reason to be worried.
I can appreciate why most non-smokers are in favour of a law
that will give them the right to enjoy a meal or a drink in a smoke-
free environment, I'll probably quite enjoy that myself. I do find it
difficult, however, to give my total support to a law that has the
potential to force businesses to close and create more unemployment.