The meetings were sombre occasions usually, especially the memorial
The assemblies and conventions were even worse, as they lasted longer
The ministry was a duty, and one that very few found even interesting, let
alone exciting
after reading the thread by truthseeker regarding the district convention, and realizing that they were trying to tell people, especially young ones, that the "truth" is "exciting", i just had to ask you, did you ever feel that the "truth" was "exciting"?
i never ever did..
The meetings were sombre occasions usually, especially the memorial
The assemblies and conventions were even worse, as they lasted longer
The ministry was a duty, and one that very few found even interesting, let
alone exciting
have i stayed too long at the fair.
there are many names and faces that i don't see much any more.
my own style of posting has changed due to my limitations.. welcome to the new ones and stop by some of you we are missing if you can.. blondie.
Congrats blondie!!
I have always enjoyed your posts, the forum would not be the same without you
i am going to approach my parents (dad an elder) later this summer with my true feelings about the wt society.
i have the cd rom and a lot of society books (plus of course the off limits wonders of google) but i happen to have just one bound volume of the watchtower 1953. it's a real gem!.
i intend to bring this book to my meeting with them as they won't be able to say it's apostate.
Good luck with that Thomas..
Of course, he will probably say that 1953 volume, particularly the part about the
generation of 1914, is "old light", and the "truth" is progressive etc, but it might make
him think.
continue following me john 21:19. much of the program was similar to the previous two days.
the fact that jesus has appeared in almost every talk title suggests that the society is once again morphing its tactics to persuade more persons that they arent an old testament cult but an alternative christian denomination.. i repeat my previous assertion that there is a manipulative intelligence at work here.
no ordinary person could possible have such foresight and such knowledge of human behavior to think and write the things these watchtower writers do.
Truthseeker, you are a hero for sitting through 3 days of this crap,
I couldn't do 3 minutes. Thanks for the review
Saturday/Sunday afternoon announcements - accounts report and manufactured deficit is read off with an implied plea for "brothers to do the right thing."
Of course, it wouldn't seem like an assembly without this item.
let's show up at a few assemblies (close proximity) and have a p-a-r-t-y!
screw the debates over words; when we spoke to the boe, cos, dos, and bethel we were dealing with murderers, pedophiles, and protectors of mean men and women, called brothers and sisters.
now it's our time to have some fun within "the courtyard of the gentiles.
You guys are so funny. There is a dc held in the city I work in,
only about 10 minutes walk from my office, so maybe I can
arrange something......
Actually, we could have a baptismal pool filled with beer instead of water
That's a great idea, maybe I could get one of the local breweries
to sponsor it
i've been posting on here for four years now, and so much has changed in my life.
everything seemed to be going wrong then, but time has done wonders and things are real good now.
lots of people on the board helped and supported me through that, as well as new non-witness friends that i made.
Congratulations Paul and Claire!!
I wish you both a wonderful life together
just a thought, wondering where does everyone think they would be right now if they hadn't found the truth?
i mean the real truth, not the wts.
would you be single?
I'd possibly be an elder by now, as I was an ms and being considered
for eldership when I left.
I'd still be feeling miserable and guilty about never being able to do
enough for jah.
a food network show on sausages touched on this so i researched.
wondering if the society will follow up on this obvious evil.
origins .
Don't send your research to the fds, they'll make eating a hot dog a df'ing offense
another delightful, spiritually meaty 192 page publication from the "faithful and discreet slave class".
front cover - jesus waving.. .
back cover - do you feel lost and in need of direction?
In order to continue following him, you will want to promote an obedient, cooperative spirit in your local congregation.
So, by supporting the elders, even when they cover up child abuse,
the dubs are being obedient to Christ? I'm sure he agrees, not.
treshappy contacted me today and let me know that the providence journal of rhode island reported that tonya fuller-balletta was aquitted because of insanity.
nothing has been reported about sentencing as of yet..