Greendawn wrote
They greatly fear ex JWs that disagree with their doctrines because they know that they are hopelessly weak and indefensible before someone that knows them well.
Yes they do fear us, and with good reason, especially the ones that have walked away
having researched the org. Most ex jws on here and other forums know far more
about watchtower doctrine than probably 99% of current jws. We've seen through
their false promises, and we can easily show that most of them aren't scripture-
based if looked at in context.
They don't want their followers talking to us, and who can blame then? They
know that we know the truth about them, and so label us as apostates, while
at the same time warning their followers how twisted and evil we are.
I have long thought that their shunning tactic is in reality a security measure
used by the org to ensure that jws don't have anything to do with their former
colleagues, who are more often than not leading much happier and productive
lives post watchtower. They would never want their followers to see that, in case
they are tempted to ask why, and maybe also start thinking fro themselves.