JoinedTopics Started by alreadygone
Have you become the 'Pagan' that you thought you would?
by AK - Jeff ini mean - when we were witnesses we always thought that is what one who 'leaves jehovah' does - goes right out and becomes evil incarnate.
or do you live a life similar to what you did as a witness?
on a scale of 1-10, how wicked would you be considered if the witnesses were making the call on your current lifestyle ?
Can your mind be read?
by sonnyboy intake this test to see if your mind can be read.
follow the instructions and don't scroll down too fast.. .
test 1. .
The Brought-in, and the universal exit of a dub
by wanderlustguy inof course there are exceptions to everything, this is strictly my view and no judgments should be implied.... .
there are different levels of brought-in, starting with the varying ages of childhood, when the childrens parents are brought in.
for the purposes of this, i am dealing with from teenage on up.. .
online map of sex offender's whereabouts
by rebel8 in.
i don't know if this is legit, but thought i'd share it with the forum fwiw..
What Things Did You Never Really Comprehend As A Witness?
by minimus ini never could clearly explain the "faithful slave's domestics", as the watchtower tries to.
i would quote the publications but i did not believe that the explanation was at all satisfactory......was there anything you just couldn't "get"?
Those crazy annointed
by joelbear ini knew several of the annointed over my life.. once when working door to door we were rejected and the annointed brother said loudly as we were leaving, "he will make good fertilizer for the ground after armageddon.
the annointed brother i worked with as a little kid used to take me to dairy queen on hot summer days to drink out of the water fountain at the back.. one brother who claimed to be of the annointed worked at the equal opportunity agency.. one guy about my age who i was friends with at bethel discovered he was of the annointed a few years ago, many years after he was baptized.
i think people will continue to make this discovery forever.. one annointed guy used to rub my knuckles together whenever he shook my hand and also used to grip my knee joint very hard, both hurt a lot.
Have you ever got up in the middle of a meeting, bored, and just left?
by JH ini did it many times.
first of all, let me say that just about every meeting i attended was a sacrifice for me.
i was a follower, not more.
what are you guilty of?
by kittyeatzjdubs ini'm a terrible house keeper.
i'll get a hair up my butt every few weeks, but other than that, not much gets done.
matt does most of it.
WHAT was the nicest compliment anybody ever paid you? What did they say?
by Terry inwhen i was about 16 i had a terrible crush on an older lady (she might have been 30) who was the lovliest person ever.
she had poise, confidence, intelligence, wit, appreciation and culture.
i was just a skinny, shy, geeky kid that she took under her wing.
Finish This Sentence....You Know you're a JW teenager If....
by doodle-v induring class the teacher asks "who all plan to go to college?
" and you shrink down in your seat in an effort to become invisible as everyone in the class raises their hand.
-doodle-v. your turn!