Hi Quotes,
Furthermore, I don't know if Ray knows about the merits of Lawrence's case. Not sure what he could add to the conversation (although it would be WONDERFUL to see him here posting), unless all you are looking for is a Superstar Endorsement.
No, Bro, I'm not looking for a "Superstar Endorsement," I can think for myself, thank you!
I think you and others in the "know" here are aware of my point. I am not stupid and neither are you.
What I seek is honesty. There are those among the exJW community whose only goal is to bring down the Watchtower no matter what it costs! But the Watchtower will not be brought down! The Catholic Church survives because she serves a purpose in the lives of millions, so too the Watchtower, she will survive. But there are those exJWs so obsessed that they will do whatever it takes to, in their deluded minds, bring her down. Not going to happen! In the mean while, innocent people used and abused by the Watchtower fall prey to those exJWs who love revenge much more than they love reason and common sense!
If the Witnesses deserve truth so do the exJWs Bro! Bethany received her blood transfusions and but just like many other non-JW leukemia ridden children she died. Christ! They die! The Government did their best. Laurence taught his child not to accept blood, she believed him. The state did not believe him and she was tied down and received it! Please explain to me the problem you see here?