Those were hysterical!! I missed them yesterday....!
an atheist was taking a walk through the woods.
"what majestic trees!
what powerful rivers!
Those were hysterical!! I missed them yesterday....!
hello this is my first time on this web site.i am an inactive jw.
married to a jw.didnt believe in there teachings for many years.. looked and read at your site for along time.
its one of the best.iam not very good at typing or spelling.and cyber communication.. hard to have a marriage when one believes and the other one doesnt.we were both raised jws .but i changed and she didnt.. common story.too years to learn to think for myself.
Hi cranwood! Welcome! I'm also fading, but my husband is still in... an elder... with no intention of leaving. There are many here in the same situation, so we can sympathize.
i posted on another thread a bit ago and it reminded me of how kind and warm and supportive so many jwd womenz have been.
sometimes we don't sieze the opportunities we have to let others know how much we appreciate their caring and support.
i lurv you womenz!!!
Thanks Frannie!!
I don't feel like I contribute too much, I am more on the 'receiving' end of the support right now... And I appreciate the support soooooo much! You're all great.
Thanks again, Frannie .... You made me feel special today!
i am missing myrna again.
this time of year she made sure we all got together.
i am tearing up again in thankfulness.. darn that date snuck up on my calendar, and i was not prepared.
Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful that you are on this board. Your posts are so full of insight, they always make me think.
Have a wonderful day with your family.
this is a new thread started from the one my husband left yesterday............ hi everyone,this is gringojjs wife.i thankyou all for your comments and your help,really makes me feel better about my situation especially since i see that most of what im going through alot of you have been through the exact same makes me realize im not the only one and that i can get through this tough time like most of you have.i can really identify with the poster who made the comments about being scared after leaving,not realizing if it was the right decision or not.i am really scared of armagedon,of invisible wicked forces the wts teaches you to turn away from,just like the poster i watched a horror film a couple nights ago and it was about demonism,i was extremely scared i was going to be bothered by the demons for getting involved in watching those kinds of movies.its ridiculus how scared i was,just believing in satan and his demons,and what they could or could not do.something my husband doesnt really understand because he doesnt believe in satan or jehovah or a god at all,but when you do believe its scary to think you are upseting god or on the side of satan.i dont know where i am at right now i do know that im confused,the witnesses coming to the door,halloween coming up......which btw i celebrated last year but my concience is really doing me in this time.........i dont know what to do with the kids !
do they celebrate do they not?i dont know, when the time comes mabe i will but i know one thing i have to make a choice, for my husbands sake,for my sanity,and for our children.i am glad i have people to share my pain and suffering with,my mother says i dont want to suffer at all because im afraid of losing my husband if i become baptized,she says thats what you have to do for the not going to be happy suffering through life and for what?mabe nothing.i am not afraid of losing my husband i am afraid of dissapointing my mom but im not going to stay in a religon that makes me totally screwed up in the head.i used to have panic attacks when i was attending meetings i havent had one since not attending,i still have exterme anxiety from worry and fear but no panic figure!last thing,the other day a born again christian approched me by my local post office and asked me if i was interested in attending his church.i simply told him no thankyou my children are already screwed up enough from the jws.
confusednstressed -
First of all, welcome!! People here have been through every situation imaginable, so read a LOT and enjoy!
I was raised JW and pioneered straight out of high school, even though I hated field service and knew exactly what career I wanted to persue. I regret it so much now. Not everyone knows what they want to do at 18, so you are one step ahead of the majority. You want to be a pharmacist.... Do it!!!! You can, and you won't regret it.
It seems overwhelming to leave everything you have ever known, I know. You will get help and support here, and I think you will discover that you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Reaching out like you are now is a huge step.
Hope to hear lots from you!!
what were the reasons you stayed a jw or remain a jw despite knowing something was wrong?.
what excuses did you give yourself or others for staying?.
I was raised a JW from the age of 7.
I was the perfect little witness child. It was to get my mother's approval, I know now. She was emotionally abusive, and I did whatever I could to try to make her love me. She loved the attention she got from the Witnesses for the 'perfect child' she had... so I kept it up.
Age 12... I knew there was something wrong with the JWs teachings. I couldn't believe what I was taught, no matter how hard I tried. My mother arranged for a pioneer sister to study with me. She later told me that she left the house with headaches from all the questions I posed... but I never did get answers I was happy with. Age 14... my great aunt asked me why I wasn't baptized (she was Catholic). She said, if you believed it, you would be baptized. I got baptized at the next assembly, to prove to her that I believed it, and to make my mother proud.
I could have left many times over the next couple decades, but I kept telling myself that there was something wrong with me, not the JWs. If I studied more, prayed more, went in service more... Jehovah would be happier with me and let me understand what I couldn't understand. The longer I was 'in', the harder it was to leave. All your friends, everything you have built your life around, will be gone if you leave.
I reached the end of my rope about 4 years ago, when my son nearly died. I couldn't believe that I had just refused to let him have a blood transfusion if he needed one, and yet I was secretly happy that he had a court order for a transfusion in his file in case one became absolutely necessary. What the he!! was wrong with me!!! It took me 2 more years, but that was the end for me. Can't do it anymore at all.
Never been happier in my life.... never felt so free. Sorry for rambling on and on........
i find it funny and sad that the watchtower is pursuing internet sites to be shut down and to stop showing their articles, due to copyright laws.. i thought the goal of the watchtower was to preach the good news of the kingdom in all the inhabited earth and then the end will come.. apparentll not, with the recent lawsuit against the quotes site, i'm wondering if ebay is on their list, you can buy just about any publication from 1900-1950, and buy it fairly cheap i might add.
hhhhhhhhhmmmmm, maybe they will sue them to for distributing old publications for people to read.. what's next ????????.
any thoughts .........
Looked for.........but can't find the scripture that says in essence............."leave them be......if it is from man, it will end........if it is from God, who can stop it." Anyone know the exact verse?
Acts 5:38,39: 38 And so, under the present circumstances, I say to YOU, Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is from God, YOU will not be able to overthrow them;) otherwise, YOU may perhaps be found fighters actually against God."
just wanted to pop in and say hi.. i'm from the uk and have made quite a few ex jw friends.
we have met up a few times, and it's great to be with others who understand (my sense of humour lol!).
i have been df for 14 years, and in the process became the black sheep of the family ( a familiar story).