If that paradise is full of only JWs then the answer is
H**L NO!
nobody here wants to lived in the new earth aka the coming earthly paradise?
nothing in the bible is symbolic, because saying things that are symbolic in the bible, is like calling jehovah a liar, god would not write something like in the bible, then out of no where, it really means something else... example: 144,000, some people said's that's symbolic, lol yea right.... .
anyway it seems like no one here wants to lived in the new earth, my question is why?
If that paradise is full of only JWs then the answer is
H**L NO!
as the borg hammered us into thinking that anyone who had contact with the dead were in fact speaking to the demons, however, now we know that a lot of their teachings are full of sh*t.. i lost my dad at the start of this year.
a couple of months later i bump into a close friend who has known dad for many years.. this guy was stoked that he was getting married and mentioned how it was a shame dad wasn't around for the wedding.. yesterday i called in to see him and he told me something that had happened to him.. he was talking to his sister, who lives in another town, and she is active in some spiritual group.
she said she had never met jack, my dad, but that she has been talking to him and that he had a message he wanted given to this friend, her brother.. dad wanted him to get out of this relationship fast.. he never took it seriously and carried on as usual.. not long after that, this fiancee of his smashed up his 4x4, was on a restricted drivers licence and spent the money he gave her for his hire purchases.. so, his truck is wrecked, he can't claim insurance to get it repaired, he still has to pay it off, a lot of his possessions have been repo-ed and that basically he is in sh*t street without a shovel.. do you think it was a message from my dad ??.
I can't speak for everyone here but I personally do not believe the Bible is inspired by God.
It is full of contradictions even in the case of spiritism and the condition of the dead.
When reading the Bible you will find that it does indeed condem spiritism and divination.But it is chock full of examples of the dead coming back and visions of the dead,prophetic dreams,visions, fortune tellers,casting lots ect, healing.....All things condemed as spiritism today.I'm talking so called rightious men having a part in these things.
Some justify this saying that these men had gifts but those went away after Jesus death so any thing like that from that point on is from the Devil.
Well,Do you know how they chose a man to fill Judas position?
They cast Lots.This was after Jesus death That is a form of divination.You can't have it both ways.
Anyway, I don't want to argue. It is pointless since the Bible is just a man made book to me.
this article was in today's desert and pass edition of the press-enterprise (riverside, ca, usa).
it doesn't appear on their website.
i typed the article verbatim.
There are lots of mentally ill JWs out there.
I hope no one misunderstands my post.It was a crime and she must face the consequences.It's just that an unfortunate set of circumstances were at play here.
this article was in today's desert and pass edition of the press-enterprise (riverside, ca, usa).
it doesn't appear on their website.
i typed the article verbatim.
This is one of the saddest things I have ever seen.
It is so awful what cults can do to people.I hate them!
Just think, the very thing she was trying to avoid is now a reality plus she is facing a worse nightmare than she could ever imagine.
as the borg hammered us into thinking that anyone who had contact with the dead were in fact speaking to the demons, however, now we know that a lot of their teachings are full of sh*t.. i lost my dad at the start of this year.
a couple of months later i bump into a close friend who has known dad for many years.. this guy was stoked that he was getting married and mentioned how it was a shame dad wasn't around for the wedding.. yesterday i called in to see him and he told me something that had happened to him.. he was talking to his sister, who lives in another town, and she is active in some spiritual group.
she said she had never met jack, my dad, but that she has been talking to him and that he had a message he wanted given to this friend, her brother.. dad wanted him to get out of this relationship fast.. he never took it seriously and carried on as usual.. not long after that, this fiancee of his smashed up his 4x4, was on a restricted drivers licence and spent the money he gave her for his hire purchases.. so, his truck is wrecked, he can't claim insurance to get it repaired, he still has to pay it off, a lot of his possessions have been repo-ed and that basically he is in sh*t street without a shovel.. do you think it was a message from my dad ??.
Double Edge,
Your right but if I am ridiculed it is okay.I probably deserve it because I went through a spell of doing that to others.I am sorry now that I doubted them so strongly.
I remember telling them that I had done everything possible bring out spirits and there was nothing.To me this was proof to me that they don't exist.
I also have to admit that I did not believe because of fear of the unknown.I no longer am.
I believe there are good and bad spirits just like there good and bad humans.
I do not understand how this all works but I do feel it has something to do with being open and in the right frame of mind.
I have had a couple of other profound experiences but like you said they are very personal and not to be shared with everyone.
The thing is, I don't care what others believe and I have no desire to try to prove anything to anyone.
as the borg hammered us into thinking that anyone who had contact with the dead were in fact speaking to the demons, however, now we know that a lot of their teachings are full of sh*t.. i lost my dad at the start of this year.
a couple of months later i bump into a close friend who has known dad for many years.. this guy was stoked that he was getting married and mentioned how it was a shame dad wasn't around for the wedding.. yesterday i called in to see him and he told me something that had happened to him.. he was talking to his sister, who lives in another town, and she is active in some spiritual group.
she said she had never met jack, my dad, but that she has been talking to him and that he had a message he wanted given to this friend, her brother.. dad wanted him to get out of this relationship fast.. he never took it seriously and carried on as usual.. not long after that, this fiancee of his smashed up his 4x4, was on a restricted drivers licence and spent the money he gave her for his hire purchases.. so, his truck is wrecked, he can't claim insurance to get it repaired, he still has to pay it off, a lot of his possessions have been repo-ed and that basically he is in sh*t street without a shovel.. do you think it was a message from my dad ??.
A few months ago I would have said "absolutly not".I quit believing in spirits and Satan and God for that matter. In my mind if I believed in one I would have to accept the others.
I have since found out there are many all down through history that believed in spirits but not in Satan.Anyway this is a whole different subject,I just wanted to give some background.
I have had a couple of very moving experiences recently and I will share one with you now.
I had a good JW friend,Now when I walked out of the organization she was very angry with me.It really hurt that I was judged as an Apostate and I could do nothing to change her mind.It was a painful loss.
About a year later I find out she had died! I was shocked and upset about this.I couldn't get her out of my mind and I started thinking,"Well,If there is an afterlife she knows the truth now" I thought this off and on for days I just kept thinking about her and kept feeling like we had unfinished business.
I was talking to a friend on the phone who is involved in lots of spiritistic things and at the begaining of the conversation I mentioned that I had lost a friend in death recently. We quickly moved to other subjects and spoke for about an hour.
I told my friend that I had to get off the phone and get something to eat.We were in the middle of saying our goodbys and all the sudden she says "wait!She's here!" I said who is there and she said It's your friend and she wants me to tell you something.I was sceptical and and thought she was a nut.But she went on and described her looks to a tee.Then she delivered the message.
The person who I was talking to had never seen her before and we had never discussed her either.
She starts out by saying that she feels she should not have to aplolgize to me because we both know what happened and neither of us was at fault.(I got chills from head to toe)She went ahead and apoligized anyway for being so angry at me and my husband and said she understands everything now.She said she backs us 100%.
She went on to say that Watchtower's Walls would crumble but they would not completly dissapear.She said to keep fighting for what is right. She then said that we would be shocked if we really knew how much backing we had in the spirit world.She said that is all she had to say and that she was leaving.
My friend and I were both in shock, we told one another bye right then and there.I couldn't get those chills to go away!
I realized that I had not responded in any way so I went to my room and called for my dead friend ,I then delivered my message to her and my chills went away.
I don't care what anyone says or thinks this was a very real experience.
i'm not sure what i've got, but it feels a lot like the flu.
i'm not congested or coughing, but i feel awful.
aches and pains and my skin is very sensitive.
Sounds like a nasty virus.
I hope it is one of those 24hr things and not the kind that last for days.
Hope you feel better real soon!
sorry if some didnt get the point.
it was a black talk as we say.
it wasnt to be funny about the children molested, but a way to open up the jw mind and take a look at whats inside.
I am familiar with your style and what you were trying to accompolish here.
I am glad you made this new post and explained your position to those who don't remember or know where you are coming from.
I hope they understand now.
It is nice to hear from you again.
I often wonder about how you and your family are doing when too much time passes inbetween youir posts.
did anyone record this?
i'm willing to pay a little bit of money to get a copy...i have been away from the boards...been busy moving to san antonio and my father's passing away.
so things have been rough...if you did record it..i'll pay money to get a copy of it... and would highly appreciate it.
Five ,
Check this out.
* http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=29402&site=3
This Dateline show will be on MSNBC this weekend.
there are times when ilook back fondly on my days in the witnesses, especially when i think on the congregation get togethers we would have every once in awhile (not too often) people from our hall and sometimes others would show up (not too many) and good times were had by all.
this is how the schedule usually went.. 8pm: arrive at the community centre.
8:05pm: scope the room.
Hmmm,lets see...
How about the grease soaked piece of white bread topped with a piece of fried chicken then wrapped lovingly in foil.
oh! and Swiss Miss chocolate pudding.
Then there's Kingdom Melodies and the bathroom lines at the DC.
I hope yall know I'm joking.