I was just thinking,
I think Bill just made history again!
I think he has got to be the only person ever to be LOCKED OUT of his own Judicial meeting.
Edited by - ChiChiMama on 25 July 2002 15:7:55
I was just thinking,
I think Bill just made history again!
I think he has got to be the only person ever to be LOCKED OUT of his own Judicial meeting.
Edited by - ChiChiMama on 25 July 2002 15:7:55
That's crazy! This is like a Judge also witnessing against the accused before making his decision and to top it off having the trial in secret without the accused being there.Very unethical. Of course,since when did they have ethics!!!!
Edited by - ChiChiMama on 24 July 2002 23:41:7
Edited by - ChiChiMama on 24 July 2002 23:47:42
i received a few inquiries on my last post regarding a weight watchers thread.. well, i joined weight watchers.
they have a system called 123 success.
it seems pretty simple.. it cost $99 to join for 10 weeks including the joining fee.. i'll be glad to share all of the information on how to count points & all.. you start off with a weight loss of 10% of your current weight.
For those of you who follow the WW plan ,here is a very hel[pful web site that has points values for all the major resturants and lots of other great info.
i received a few inquiries on my last post regarding a weight watchers thread.. well, i joined weight watchers.
they have a system called 123 success.
it seems pretty simple.. it cost $99 to join for 10 weeks including the joining fee.. i'll be glad to share all of the information on how to count points & all.. you start off with a weight loss of 10% of your current weight.
I joined Weight Watchers Online two weeks ago and have lost 5lb already. It is $14.95 per month and they have ,charts,recipies, message boards, and articles to help you along. Their points system easy to follow even when eating out.
with all the talk about shunning in the religion, i was wondering if anyone remembered that the elders occasionally visit the shunned?
i call these "pity visits", in that they are basically going down to the slums to see if the lepers want some medicine to lessen the pain.. .
it seems to me that such a visit would be very insulting, not so much because of the above thought.
NO, I would not welcome them for any kind of visit.
I walked away almost a year and a half ago. I am not DF or DA'd and have never had one phone call,letter,or visit from anyone in the cong. I live in the same home as I did when I attended.
They didn't care a year ago so they have no business with me now.
the problem of paedophiles in the congregations has been well debated on this board.
there is general consensus that the handling of paedophiles in the congregation has been done extremely poorly.
the worst cases have been handled in an outright diabolical manner and involvement by the christian congregation has made matters worse; so much for the so-called hiding place from the wind.. .
It's really hard to put the blame on the elders when they are directed by the Society to call the Legal Department first when there is a case or accusation of child abuse.
The elders follow the step by step instructions given to them from the Legal Dept. They do not handle these cases on their own.
The PR Deptartment is also trying to blame the elders but Watchtower's own policies blow this theory out of the water since the elders are just following orders.
There may be different "causes" for this mess but ALL of them can be traced back to headquarters and the Governing Body.
Edited by - ChiChiMama on 15 July 2002 16:37:25
group protests jehovah's witnesses
by jeff st. john .
herald staff writer .
Bill Bowen did not make any statements in this article.
This article was written by the Herald staff writer Jeff St John.
as a service by jehovah's "loving" organisation, the wts has issued a list of situations where sisters are to wear a "head covering".
2. conducting a bible study with baptized son.
1. conducting a family study where husband is not present.
I was noticing how your signature ties in with this.
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.
Freedom also means, not having to wear a head covering!
hi bill............. so...... you have the most qualified victims coming to your site........and you give them to attorneys who sue for only................ $ 50.000?.....................as in the case of heidi meyer............. and she has to go through hell ......"again"......and be ridiculed in court, and made to expose her most private sensitive issues on how she got molested........ for a lousey $50,000?............
bill, are you scratching the gov bodys back or something?
Simon is right, you are making yourself look silly.
When anyone including Bill doesn't answer your questions it doesn't mean that they are "stuck up."
Most of us dwell in a Universe that is much larger than the one you seem to dwell in. Some of us go days, weeks, and sometimes months, without frequenting this board.
Give it up. Your not fooling anyone.
hi bill............. so...... you have the most qualified victims coming to your site........and you give them to attorneys who sue for only................ $ 50.000?.....................as in the case of heidi meyer............. and she has to go through hell ......"again"......and be ridiculed in court, and made to expose her most private sensitive issues on how she got molested........ for a lousey $50,000?............
bill, are you scratching the gov bodys back or something?
You don't know what you are talking about.
If any of these cases are won by the Jeff Anderson Law Firm the final amounts will be much higher than $50,000 on each of them. I repete the JURY will have the final say.You are trying to make something out of nothing!
Bill Bowen does not choose legal council for the victims.He has nothing to do with the legal process or the claims.
Your attitude here is very suspicious.I have to wonder about your agenda here.