Ackack: I did understand Randi's explanation, but I don't have to buy it anymore than you have to buy my belief that alternative remedies do work. How much have you looked into the supporting evidence of many alternative methodologies? I have looked into both sides extensively and am happy to use both - but just because in one situation modern medicine is more effective, doesn't mean that alternative methods are completely ineffectual and vice versa.
I don't believe however that there is a one answer solution to any problem - HEY! - that's why I am not a witness anymore!!!!
Each person is a complex complex COMPLEX design of known and unknown quantities. And even the 'known' is constantly being expanded upon, recognising that some 'knowns' were erroneous etc. What works for one person will not necessarily work for another. Unfortunately, most medicine practices - sometimes including homeopathy - tend to only look at the symptoms. It is always the case, with any medical professional, of guesswork, detective work and isolating possible causes. Two people may present with exactly the same symptoms and yet the root cause may be so totally different.
That's why homeopathy might work in one person's case, who then goes on to religiously expouse the benefits of this miracle cure, but then not work for the next person who has the same symptoms and is latching on with understandable hope and expectation. When they are bitterly disappointed they then dismiss it as quackery.
I'm all for science, but it has it's place alongside the mysteries of the universe, not held in higher regard. I am too conscious that humans think they are right and have all the answers and then time proves them wrong.