Don't take what I said as a carte blanche statement - I don't believe stupidity or ignorance makes a cult, rather the way they handle their authority. I am ready to forgive ignorance and even if it was incredibly stupid even for those times (and it wasn't really, medical knowledge was a lot more limited then and on top of that you have fairly uneducated, read 'sometimes stupid', very limited brothers making decisions from the scripture on subjects they should have admitted they knew nothing about and then saying it was the 'word of god' - that's the cultish part).
All I am saying is that all of us, every one of us, is only able to make decisions limited to our knowledge and experience at the time. And in the end, if all of us were to endlessly examine every single fact on any one single issue, we would all be inert. It is impossible for us to know everything. We should however have a good attempt at being open minded so, should new information be presented that is reasonable, we will look at it and be prepared to be wrong. At least have a go at looking at both sides of any situation. If you still favour your original position that's ok, but hopefully you won't be so dismissive of those who take the polar position.
I am so relaxed about being mistaken because my ego is not caught up in being right - and I actively encourage my children that it is ok to make mistakes and mess up - as long as they aren't hurting another human being.
I am new here, so for instance I understand that others' interpretation of my comments are very limited to what they know about me. I can't help it that they intepret me incorrectly, I just recognise that is a limitation - but that doesn't mean anyone who gets me 'wrong' (by what I know I mean) is stupid, wrong or limited in a retarded way
(ha ha ... sorry, just got sidetracked with a Borat moment ... I'm back now)
I work in the field of psychological and emotional health - you know, one of those people that the Society strongly cautioned not to go to? And there is still lots of people out there WHO ARE NOT WITNESSES that think it is quackery. I just don't like it when people lump everything on the witnesses when in fact a lot of it is human nature.
I have people who come to see me who are on pharmaceutical drugs. Personally, I wouldn't touch those types of drugs but I don't go into a rant about conspiracy theories on drug companies (and no, that's not what I believe, so don't go there). I personally wouldn't use them because I have so many tools and resources at my disposal that I can easily go the more natural route. I don't judge someone however for where they are at at that point in time, where they make decisions limited to their knowledge, experience and emotions. And quite frankly, if it gets them to the healthy place they want to be, what does it matter? (again, I could get sidetracked by that generalisation, but I have already written too much)
I think dismissing homeopathy or [.... insert any other modality you like] as quackery is offensive and hurtful to the thousands of people who attain genuine relief or even cure from this practice. Science can prove the placebo effect works, but they can't prove why. Until anyone can scientifically prove why it genuinely works for some people, then you can't unequivocally use science to prove why it doesn't work for other people. Just because science has now demoted Pluto from planetary status doesn't mean the huge rock in our solar system doesn't exist!