Codeblue, I'm glad that article was beneficial for you! I loved it!
hi all on this thread.
i am very new here quite excited to finally make the move and register.
i have a very long story but i would like to leave that for another time perhaps.
Codeblue, I'm glad that article was beneficial for you! I loved it!
just wanted to drop a line and say "hi".
i too am a long time lurker that "came out" sort of speaking.
(' bout 2 yrs!
Welcome jojochan , it's great to have so many newbies joing our wonderful community, I had recommended something that an XJW wrote to Montana another newby, I think it would benefit you also here it is:
Enjoy, and may your journey continue!
ooh,ooh, I did and so did some others I know about, you see it doesn't matter either way, they want time reported, well their gonna get it, I bet there are many pioneers that do this anyway, cause it really doesn't matter!
hi all on this thread.
i am very new here quite excited to finally make the move and register.
i have a very long story but i would like to leave that for another time perhaps.
a very warm welcome to you Mercedes and EC, there is a website that has been very helpful in helping my husband and I heal, and I know it will help you too it is:
It's written by a wonderful person who is an XJW, I think you guys will enjoy this, once again WELCOME, I hope to read more of your posts.
makes you think twice before going to have a surgery, .
female kidney turns lumberjack on to housework .
a croatia lumberjack claims he started 'enjoying housework and knitting' after he was given a female kidney.. stjepan lizacic, 56, from osijek, is suing his local health authority because he says he's become a laughing stock.
My husband and I were watching a show on this on the Discovery Channel I believe, it was about the phenomena of organs somehow transferring memories and characteristics of their owner. There were very interesting stories relating to this. Wow, there is so much we have yet to know about!
this has already been mentioned on another thread, but thought i'd start a new one dedicated to the story:.,,1687735,00.html.
I briefly looked at the other thread on this but hey, I think it's important enough that 2 threads on it is ok, this is GGRRREAT!!!
as i was sitting here this morning reading the various threads and posts, i couldn't help but think how the society monitors this board.
i also thought how this board has aided many "out" in clever types of ways that have saved many a lot of heartache by the good advise they recieve here by others who have learned the hard way.. the actions of ones who have exited of course trickles down to elders who have to deal with these tricky ass apostates who are influencing others.
the co's all hear about this and of course these reports go to the society.
GRRRRREAT!!! I've always enjoyed preparing food, especially for those that will gobble it all up!
the circuit overseer in a neighboring circuit has been telling audiences in his visits to the congregations the following:.
the governing body feels that the massacre in rwanda happened because satan wanted to get at the witnesses in that country.. i agree that satanic influence could have been behind it..........but do you think the thousands of casualties were caused solely to affect the small minority of witnesses there?.
i suppose it's the same logic that ww1 + ww2 happened to get at the remnant of the 144,000. any comments on this?.
What a load of CRAP! Like anybody even cares what Jw's do, the majority of the people only know that JW's are the annoying people that knock on your door on Saturday mornings, that we let our kids die because of the blood issue, and that we don't celebrate holidays, NOTHING MORE!!!!!
That CO is a totally delusional idiot!!!!!!
are you aimless?
are you happier?
more confused?
I like others here, no longer believe in a coming paradise as the JW's teach. At first, when this realization came, I felt like the solid surface I had been standing on all these years was suddenly pulled away, and I felt myself falling into nothingness, with nothing to hold on to, it was quite frightening. All those years knowing for certain that if and when I die, I will awaken in this perfect paradise and that my children will be with me there together will all my resurrected loved ones, it was quite a neat and pleasing little package.
Reality however, isn't so neatly packaged! I then went on to find out what if anything is there after death, I began researching Near Death Experiences, Rebirth and Reincarnation information, and was quite enlightened, this is what I needed to know, it has given me a renewed hope that death is not the end, but I truly believe that our Soul lives on and when we die we will again be with our loved ones in another realm, what the absolute truth is, I will find out eventually, but for now this has brought me and my family peace and happiness, without having to serve some high control Borganization. Today I can honestly say, that I am much happier and have found true peace, I live in the present and believe we can live happily in this world, and we can make our own little paradise right here and help others do the same.
IC (of the Paradise can be here and now class)
i did post this on schne-belly's thread - but thought more may read it as a new topic.
apologies if idea has already been posted.. i think a good campaign would be for us to compose a 'standard' letter (maybe bullet points regarding certain issues, ngo - which the average jw is unaware of - child abuse, hypocricy of mexico / malawi stuff etc.
with quotes from watchtowers if need be, as they seem to carry more weight than the bible does) and each of us to print off several copies and send to selected members of the local congregation - the ones we know / remember as the intelligent thinkers.
WAY TO GO, Schne, I am planning something similar, I am going to send info about this Crappy Borganization to some freinds that are currently in the dark, anonymously of course (fader), if we can all free some minds from this cult we will have done a service to mankind.
What do you think is going to happen when on service people start questioning the "brethren" about NGO, Malawi/Mexico etc.? I think that many JW's will at least begin wondering about some of this stuff.