Just wanted to drop a line and say "hi". I too am a long time lurker that "came out" sort of speaking. (' bout 2 yrs!) It was funny how I came across this site. One day when I was at the complete bottom and wanted answers regarding how things are with this belief and why was i feeling that something was just not right. So, I put in a google search for ct russell and BOOM! there it was. And the rest was all she wrote. then came disbelief, then anger, then panic attacks. so much happened within this period, I was more than burned. I was mind screwed 3 ways from sunday. i even read old posts which were helpful some made me laugh, then brought me to the brink of tears in relation to others situations. Right now that I feel like I'm unpluged from "mother" I see things VERY differently...which scares me since i'm in too deep in a way. So..I look forward to posting away. Take care.