Me too, usually only Active Topics.
Me too, usually only Active Topics.
to counteract the hysteria which i personally believe is more al gore lying.
inconvenient truths indeed by dr. robert c. balling jr. .
al gore's "an inconvenient truth" opens around the country this week.
Confession, I'm with you, I believe this warming trend is pretty much out of our hands. I believe it's just the earth doing what it has for millions of years, continually renewing and changing. That however is no excuse to indiscriminately pollute the environment since as we all know this is having repercussions in our air quality, water and food supply. We should all work together to better our planet, all the while knowing that changes are going to occur.
I watched that program on National Geographic on the warming issue, and read some news that Scientists have discovered evidence of a tropical climate in the north pole I don't remember precisely how long ago that was, but they have pulled out of the arctic ocean remains of tropical plants and animals only known to survive in tropical weather. They think the weather there remained at around 74 degrees farenheit at this time. With this in mind, I don't think it's very wise to reconstruct cities like New Orleans, or live anywhere near the coast since these areas will continue to be greatly affected by severe weather and erosion. As the polar ice continues to melt, it will be amazing to see, what interesting things will be uncovered, maybe ancient civilizations that were eradicated when the last ice age hit, or new species never before discovered, who knows? Maybe the polar region will one day be one of the earth's hot new vacation spots !
was it built specifically for the "princes of old", or was it really built for rutherford?.
i am getting conflicting info on this.
who are the deeds made out to, and where can i find this documentation in the w.t.
I have some really old books that supposedly Rutherford authored, but in reading them I noticed the same speaking (I was at a few of his talks back in the day) and writing style of old Fred Franz, I wonder if Franz was the true author of all that supposedly the A**Hole Rutherford wrote, it would'nt surprise me one bit!!
"deliverance at hand" is the theme for the jehovah's witnesses district convention may 26 to 28 at the resch center.
serving parts of wisconsin, michigan and the upper peninsula, the convention opens the season for district meetings throughout the united states.
nearly 11 million people attended the 2,981 district conventions last year.
This year for the first time in over 30 years in this religion publishing company I will not be going to the District ASSembly, my family and I will instead be on the beach taking in some sun somewhere, staying at a hotel to have actual family fun!!!! not wasting our precious time listening to this mind numbing rehash of trash!
all the ads for da vinci code and opus dei whatever got me thinking about the whole jesus-mary thing, and what genes jesus had.
how was mary impregnated anyhow?
the wt teaches that the big j turned jesus (or michael??
Hi Pope, I think you're right on track!
this angel has helped so many of us find information and contacts.
could you alone have found answers so quickly, or answers so accurate??.
this girl is a goddess.. are you sending her love now?.
YES INDEED, BLONDIE IS AWESOME!!!! If it wasn't for her, I woulda gone to those awfull WT studies that really suck big time!!! But with her very informative and timely reviews I can decide which ones are more or less barf worthy and choose which ones I can go to that won't make me have to visit the restroom every 5 minutes. BLONDIE, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, I don't even think of going to the meeting unless I read your review.
for me, i would like to have a leather recliner from rooms to go.
what about you?
Enough money to set up an adoption program where good families that want children can adopt for free after being screened and approved and they would also get a little financial help to help raise the child/children. This would help so many children that are in orphanages and stuck in the foster parent program never quite getting a permanent home and family.
I would also like to establish a program that would be mandatory for all kids when they hit the teenage years, where they would experience the reality of bringing a child into this world with all the responsibility that comes along with it, the loss of freedom the endless crying and stress, and the possibility of contracting all the different STD's out there if they are not careful, I know they have a program in place now but I don't think it is mandatory and I don't think boys participate as much as girls. If there was a birth control device that had very small side effects and was completely reversible and if I had my way, I would make it mandatory that at 12 years old all children should have this device implanted until they became adults and could prove that they had completed the parenting course and that they had the means to raise a child.
This way, they can hopefully cherish the freedom and opportunities that are available for them in their teenage years and leave the parenting experience for later in life when they are ready. Oh that, and being free from debt!
someone asked a question in the "what generation are you" thread:.
were you "raised in the truth," or did you "come into the truth?".
i was raised..
raised in it since I was 7 years old. Opened my eyes at 42 and what a journey it's been!
an old song comes to mind - "I can see clearly now, the rain BS has gone........
life is great now!!!!!
Hi Ariel and Welcome , I hope we can be of help to you, I am also a fader together with my husband and kids. At this point we have freed 17 people from the Borg, I'm glad your sister helped you see the "light" . There's great people on here and lost of info, so read alot and when you're ready you can share your story.
do you think that there will come a time when the wts will be a thing of the past and people will look into their history books and say "oh yeah those jw's were around for over 120 years and now they are no longer around today in the year 20___?
" my friend thinks that jw's will not collapse and will probably get "stronger" with time.
i hope not because i am just sick of the whole wts and jw's religion.
It might take a while but I think this will eventually happen. I believe that in our day more and more people are waking up to the problems associated with religion in general, everything is subject to scrutiny, including the book the major religions are based on, the Bible. Once people stop believing that this book is the inerrant word of God, the JW's like all the others will lose their foothold, people will no longer listen to their preaching and eventually they will die out or get sued for all their worth. (dreaming is free!)