Welcome to the board Jess, I look forward to reading your posts.
i just wanted to introduce myself, i have been lurking around for a while reading posts and identifying with so many of the experiences within them.
i have only stopped going to the meetings in the last year and it is only in the last couple of months that i have really started to research this "religion" that has been such a huge part of my life.
i dont live at home any more but am still in regular contact with my jw family and one or two friends.
Welcome to the board Jess, I look forward to reading your posts.
My Husband, our two boys, my family, and my freinds, also empowering and enlightening myself, mentally, spiritually and physically, so I can empower and enlighten others.
someone gave me a little book many years ago that was nothing but one-line sentences, starting with the words, "i've learned that .
" and followed by the age of the author.
some of these little sentences were hilarious such as; " i've learned that if i turn my ice cream cone upside down, i don't have an ice cream cone anymore.
I've learned that a broken heart always mends. Age 17
I've learned that if someone makes you feel inferior, it's only because they are afraid you are superior. Age 19.
I've learned that you can never judge people by appearances, if you do, you will miss out on alot. Age 30.
I've learned that when you help someone in need, it comes back at you, sometimes twofold. Age 35.
I've learned that no one (much less a publishing company) has the right to tell you what to do, believe, read, wear, watch, if you are an adult, unless you give them that right. Age 42.
I know there's lots more, but for now that's it.
if i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
GREAT NEWS BARBARA! I agree with Nic won't this thread tip them off? I sure hope not!
IC(of the I will have no nails left by the time the news comes out class)
what event or events do you think would make every witness think the end really was around the corner?
peace between isreal and palistine?
death of the united nations?
A Pronouncement of Peace
A Pronouncement of War
A Major weather disaster
A Major terrorist attack
A Major epidemic
Exites the JW's and they start thinking, "this is it", so you see as some of you have said either way, they're covered, the idea is to attribute it to the end being very close, I am so glad I no longer believe that BS, living with the end looming around the corner is an incredibly stressfull way to live, always expecting something that is never coming, it's no wonder so many JW's are taking depression and anxiety meds.
Don't get me wrong I think that eventually at least one nuke will probably go off in US soil, but no, that won't be the big A, just man exerting his power over man, which is something you all know has always happened, just that now their weapons are much more powerfull.
IC (of the I'm so glad I no longer believe this CRAP, class)
ok, this was told to me this morning at one of the coffee shop's i visit and related to me by a women.
"why do men think their smart while having sex?
answer below .
You know that's RIGHT!
first post
just wanted to introduce myself to the group.
i've followed this site for a while, but never have contributed before.
WELCOME DREW! My husband and I are also currently attending some meetings, because of family and freinds, but we no longer believe in the religion.
Hope to see you around here soon!
it's always fun (well for a geek like me anyway), to take a quote from a wt mag' and tweak it to show clearly the duplicitous nature of the writers.
the first quote below has not been touched - compare it the one beneath.. nic' .
*** g90 1/22 pp.
GREAT! This is just shows once again that they know what they are doing when they constantly say things over and over! IC
if you could sum up your time in the borg with just one word, what would it be and why?.
for me it would be guilt.
guilt about not doing enough ministry, not enough study,doing too much secular work, the list seems endless.on the odd occasions i felt i'd done quite well you can bet we'd have a talk saying more,more more!.
I'de have to say, GUILT!
Guilt that I could never be a super witness, study for all meetings, read the bible everyday, have a family study, be at all 5 meetings and on time, preach, preach, preach, not watch rated R movies while being an adult, so many things they put on people unnecessarily, they live in that Tower and have all their needs met, then they expect everyone out here in the real world to live up to their stupid unrealistic goals.
Yeah, absolutely, GUILT!
this has been running around in my head for a few hours so i thought i would put it out there.. there is a woman here that i really admire.
she has done so much to help new posters.
she always seems have the right words to say.