HAHAHAHA, funny! I don't believe in that book any longer, so whatever is written in there, is just nonsense to me.
so where did god live before he'd created the heavens?.
HAHAHAHA, funny! I don't believe in that book any longer, so whatever is written in there, is just nonsense to me.
has anyone ever posted about the tons of time magazine articles about the jws?
time has been around forever and has been a 'witness' (pardon the pun) to much of their history .. clear back to the 1930s.
go to the time website and search for yourself!
I found this footnote interesting, since as far as I know Rutherford was a Lawyer who served as a judge for a week or two, but was not really a judge, why would it say here that he served as a circuit judge for 14 years? If any of you know, please share this with us. Thanks for posting these Time magazine articles, I am sharing them with a few active JW's I know, since the source of the info is "non-Apostate" they will read it.
He was for 14 years a circuit judge in Missouri; "consecrated myself to the Lord" in 1906. He is now 58 years old.
has anyone ever posted about the tons of time magazine articles about the jws?
time has been around forever and has been a 'witness' (pardon the pun) to much of their history .. clear back to the 1930s.
go to the time website and search for yourself!
has anyone ever posted about the tons of time magazine articles about the jws?
time has been around forever and has been a 'witness' (pardon the pun) to much of their history .. clear back to the 1930s.
go to the time website and search for yourself!
do you still believe or nurture in your heart "living forever in a paradise earth" and even never having to die in "this old system"?
or do you now belive in life after death as a spirit being in heaven?
or have you abandoned the hope of everlasting life?
My beliefs have done a complete turnaround, I no longer believe in the "Live forever in earthly paradise" idea of the JW's. But I absolutely believe that after I die, my spirit will go on, and return to this earth in another body to live a new experience. I have found peace, and happiness in what I now believe and it's a happy place to be. Ultimately we will all go there and find out, so it really doesn't matter, it's not like we can change anything, all we can change is the way we percieve it so we can live a happier and more rewarding life. My goal is to make this life the best I can, and to leave knowing I made a difference in this world, in this experience.
has anyone heard about what is going on inside the organization these days regarding those who claim to be "anointed" christians?
i have had at least three different people now who live in different areas of the country tell me that the elders are systematically pushing out people who claim to have become anointed within the last few years.
these would be younger ones who are now professing the heavenly rather than earthly hope.. i find this interesting for several reasons.
The WTS should just come out and admit that after extensive research they have reached the conclusion that the Bible is nothing but borrowed stories and nonsense, the literature will be recycled. The more valuable Real Estate and Stock will be sold and the money distributed amongst the brethren for all the trouble they have caused them all these years, and that includes the people they DF'd and the families of those they killed with the blood doctrine. The Kingdom Halls names will be changed to "Freedom Fest Social Clubs" where you can attend 1 Sunday a month and have a party, catch up with all the latest gossip, have good food, a few beers and since all the chairs will be removed and a dance floor installed, everyone can have a go at shaking their booty. Ahhhh........just thinking about it brings a sparkle to my eyes........Hey, I CAN DREAM CAN'T I?
the feb 1st wt has a banner headline on the cover "must we always tell the truth" - inside it says (p1) "' i hate lies and i hate being lied to" exclaimed a 16 year old girl" ... so , o.k.
we must expect that anyone printing such things must themselves be absolutely honest and truthful .. so why do they use misleading quotations that are, practice, nothing short of lies?
many have been documented but this one came my way recently while using another thread .. the book "let your kingdom come" has an appendix dealing with babylonian and jewish chronology .
Thank you for that BluesBrother, it's very annoying how they get away with lying like that in their publications, and yet again shows that these WTS big wigs like Peloyan know what the real truth is, they just choose to defend their real God "The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society" . My husband had a hard time believing that the people at the top are really aware of what's going on, he wanted so much to hold on to the idea that maybe they are honest in their motives, but after I showed him all the stuff they lied about including the Malawi incident he now agrees with me. I firmly believe that these jackasses don't even believe in God the Creator, they believe in the "WTS" and "Money" it's so sad that so many honest hearted good people are stuck in this Publishing/Real Estate Empire posing as a religion. I hope the WTS continues on the downward spiral that they are on, so these 6 million people can be free, soon!
i could no sooner kill a dog much less a human but the god of death yearns to destroy 6 billion plus humans to uphold his sovernity.
the omnipotent god, sees all, knows all just to watch his creation live and die and yet does nothing to stop it.
would you, stop it if you could.
Frankiespeakin, I loved your post, I have come to exactly the same conclusions as you, I no longer believe in the Bible God, the Creator that I believe in would never have committed the acts that book says he was responsible for and would not have caused that infamous book to come into existence in the first place, men did that with their own agendas in mind....to control the masses. With all the contradictions and mistakes, and borrowed stories from other sources, there's no way the Bible is what it claims to be.
i am conflicted as to whether i can or even want to believe in god.
(using capital g out of respect) i can't separate love of god and my jw life.
i pioneered for 10+ years, and thank goodness for that, because i can now easily memorize anything and read upside down.
In all my searching, which was at times very painful, because you get to a point when you feel the need to part ways with strongly entrenched beliefs and ideas, I have arrived at a very peaceful and happy place. I no longer believe in the bible god, since I have seen the evidence that this book is not from the Creator. But....I still believe there is a creator, I found Deism to be what best identifies with what I now believe, there are many people that believe this way, but have never heard of Deism. Many of the founding fathers of the US were Deists, like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine the author of "The Age of Reason" a great book, reading it was the final nail in the coffin, when it came to believing that the bible is from god, funny thing is he only used the bible itself to prove the bible was not the inspired word of god. If anyone is interested in finding out more about this you can go to www.deism.com. Below is a snipet of what Deists believe.
The antiquated practice of forming an idea of God based on purely past material experience, such as referring to God as "King", is also rejected by Deism. The extremely limited picture of God as the jealous and paranoid king of kings sitting on his throne upset that his subjects were going to reach "heaven" by building a brick tower is due to the limited vision which the Bible writers had of both the Creator and of the universe. This fear the Bible god had of the Tower of Babel is based on fear of humanities acquisition of knowledge. The Creator the Deist venerates invites all of us to learn as much as possible about absolutely everything, for this is the best way to learn about God.
Another problem with the idea of God as promoted by the revealed religions of Christianity, Judaism and Islam is its depiction of God as a man. By limiting God to the status of a man, women are consciously and subconsciously relegated to a lesser standing in society. After all, if God is characterized as a man, then men are closer to God then women. Perhaps this accounts for the multiple instances of women bashing found throughout the various "holy books." By limiting the advancement of women through their subjugation to men, revealed religion has limited the advancement and progress of all of society. And a very sad element of this anti-progress mind-set, advanced by revealed religion, is that it claims God as its author.
All religions claim they reject violence. History, of course, proves them wrong. From the grotesque horror stories of slaughter and rape at the alleged command of God found throughout the Old Testament, to the claimed words of Jesus regarding bringing not peace but a sword, to the blood soaked Inquisition through religiously approved contemporary wars, revealed religion goes happily hand in hand with violence and war.
Deism's rejection of divine revelation excludes it from falling into the same violence promoting business that the revealed religions are in. There are no written words from the Almighty that can be twisted to sanctify one human being killing another. This makes Deism less useful to the ambitions of the power-elites. Could this be why very few people are aware of Deism and of the Deistic influence of the Enlightenment and the American Revolution?
Nuclear realities have made the waging of war an unacceptable proposition. War was never justifiable, it only exposed man's mental limitations at being able to formulate a workable solution to a problem. However, in the nuclear age humanities ignorance can lead to the extermination of civilization and life itself on our planet. The shallow chauvinism of the various revealed religions take us all one step closer to that irreversible catastrophe. Deism, by its reliance on reason and rejection of violence, serves as a block to the apocalyptic nightmare that is so central to the major revealed religions.
i always assume that people with real pics for their avatars are pics of that poster.
obviously that's not always the case.
i'm curious about whose pic is really them.
Yes, that's me looking through the curtain .