3rdgen - I hear ya! When it comes to my food allergies, for example, I ask questions at the restaurant I'm in and try to be careful of what I order - but in the end, it's up to me to make sure what I put in my mouth doesn't kill me. (Assuming the people *I am paying money to* aren't being jerks and being stupid and lying about their food, which happens.) I've got my meds handy and I don't dive into food like I used to, for example.
What grinds my gears is when your supposed "spiritual family" and the Elders responsible for your spiritual "health" actually get hostile over someone's physical suffering. My mom faced a lot of cruelty in her Hall from those who didn't take her illnesses seriously - in addition to the isolation that happens from having to physically separate from others. And then to get visits from "concerned" Elders who want to show up *in your home*, your sanctuary, with their smelly cologne and hair products... It was very telling that the "worldly" people she knew were more concerned about her welfare. I wish the weight of that had gotten through...
Don't get me started on off-gassing. Did I ever mention the time I slept on a new memory foam pillow and woke up with hives that made me look like I'd been in a fist fight? I looked FABulous, dahling...