Sam87 - you are badly misinformed. I take it you've never known someone gay, or you've never had a conversation about sexual orientation with someone who is gay. I don't mean to be a jerk, just making an observation.
Believe me, it is not a choice. I am attracted to guys and I have been as far back as I can remember. When I was going through puberty, all my friends were talking about girls, but I just had no interest. Instead, I was looking at my male friends. I had no idea what was wrong with me and I figured that maybe it was just something I was going through. But as I matured and was able to deal with my internal feelings more clearly, I knew I was gay, and not going through a phase. I have no control over who I'm attracted to any more than you do. Actually coming out and telling people I'm gay and being able to act on my attractions was the most liberating thing in my life. I tried to force myself to date women and I hated every minute of it, but I kept telling myself "maybe I just haven't found the right one." On my first gay date I felt like I had an epiphany. I finally felt right. I was finally excited to go on dates. From that moment on, there was no question.
Sam - did you choose to be attracted to women? Did you ever wake up one morning and ask yourself "Hmmm... should I be gay or straight?" No, you didn't. I didn't either.